Greifswald, Hanseatic town

- Coat of arms/Flag
- General Alignment –
- Settlement size –
- Corruption +; Crime +; Economy +; Law +; Lore +; Society +
- Qualities –
- Danger +
- Demographics
- Country-
- Government –
- Legislature –
- Population
- Places of interest –
- Current Ruler –
- Other Notable residents –
- Marketplace
- Base Value ; Purchase Limit ; Spellcasting
- Minor Items ; Medium Items ; Major Items
Greifswald is a bustling Hanseatic town located on the Baltic coast, surrounded by lush forests and fertile farmland.
The people of Greifswald worship a pantheon of gods and goddesses, the most revered deity in Greifswald is the goddess of the sea, known as Ostara. She is said to have the power to control the tides and bless fishermen with bountiful catches.
Another important deity in Greifswald is the god of the hunt, known as Cernunnos. He is often depicted as a horned figure, and is believed to bless hunters with successful hunts and protect them from harm.
The Nixie, a water spirit that can be found in local rivers and streams. It is said that the Nixie can grant wishes to those who please her, but can also be vengeful to those who disrespect her.
Additionally, the people of Greifswald tell stories of the Wild Hunt, a spectral procession of ghostly hunters and their hounds, led by the god Odin. It is believed that encountering the Wild Hunt can bring both blessings and curses, depending on the circumstances.
The town of Greifswald is also home to a powerful wizard known as the “Green Man”, who is said to live deep in the nearby forest. It is said that the Green Man possesses incredible magical powers and can communicate with the spirits of nature.