Rod of Tyranny

Each Governor of a major city in Hell receives a rod of tyranny. These minor artifacts not only reflect the station of the Governor in Hell, but they also confer great power to the wielder.
A rod of tyranny may be wielded as a +3 axiomatic, unholy great club. Once per day, the Governor can call on the rod to exchange either its axiomatic or unholy quality for another magical quality of equal or lesser value; this change lasts for 9 rounds. Three times per day, the rod of tyranny may be used to cast tyranny as though by a 21 st level sorcerer; the Will save DC is 28. Finally, the rod of tyranny can be used once per day to close all gates and portals in the city to which it is attuned; to make matters worse, all beings within 90 feet of the rod (except for the wielder) are under the effects of dimensional anchor for 9 rounds (Spell Resistance does not apply against this effect).
A rod of tyranny is a gargantuan rod of glimmering ebony cold forged from iron drawn from the blood of thousands of humanoid beings. The body of the rod is cluttered with glowing, red runes in the Infernal tongue while its tip is crowned with a golden pentagram. It may only be wielded by beings with Lawful Evil alignments; other beings suffer three negative level while carrying the rod.
Strong Evocation; CL 21 st ; Weight 10 lbs.