Ritual Magic

In can be argued that all witch magic is ritual magic. One of the features of the witch class is the ability to combine their magic with others for greater effects or perform ritual to increase these effects.
Liber Mysterium, The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Full netbook can be found on the followng website – Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.
Augmented Ritual Magic
Weaving a spell is the art of drawing upon the tapestry of magic that permeates all things. The use of metamagic feats subtly alters the normal flow of spells, bringing more power to the dweomer at the cost of a higher spell slot. Augmented ritual casting of spells energizes spells at the time that they are cast as opposed to when they are prepared; thus the spellcaster need not sacrifice any spell levels to cast a spell augmented with metamagic. The ritual provides the extra power.
A spellcaster can ritually cast spells augmented with only the metamagic feats that she knows, but she can include each feat that she knows at the expense of extending the casting time, sacrificing more expensive components, and taking greater risk that the ritual will fail. It’s important to remember that each extra level of metamagic feats that are applied to a spell through augmented ritual magic normally increase the level of the spell. However, in this situation, each feat will now make the spell take longer to cast and cost more in material components. The total of these extra levels is called the “added level modifier,” and this added level modifier is used to determine several aspects of the augmented ritual casting.
The Silent Spell and Still Spell feats cannot be added to augmented ritual spells. If a Silent or Still Spell are used with an augmented ritual casting, those feat’s benefits are negated. Also, the Quicken Spell feat may not be added to an augmented ritual casting, though if the feat is used normally and the quickened spell is then augmented, the resulting ritual casting time can be greatly reduced (see below). The Heighten Spell feat can be used, with the difference in the actual spell and the new spell level being used to calculate the added level modifier.
If the caster has the feats of Spell Penetration or Spell Focus, she may also use these in augmented ritual castings to provide a bonus beyond the normal + 2 benefit of these feats. For every extra + 1 bonus (above the normal +2 bonus provided by these feats) with which the caster desires to augment his casting, one level is added to the total added level modifier of the augmented ritual casting. For example, to gain a total + 5 bonus on Spell Penetration, the caster would add three more levels to the augmented ritual casting’s added level modifier.
The level of the spell being cast plus the added level modifier of all feats augmenting the spell cannot exceed the highest spell level the caster is capable of normally using. For example, a 12th-level wizard cannot cast 7th-level spells; the most she could augment a knock spell through an augmented ritual casting would be to use feats that result in an added level modifier of four (2nd-level spell + 4 added level modifier = 6th- level spell- the highest the wizard can cast).
To determine the casting time of an augmented ritual casting of a spell, first determine the spell’s base ritual casting time on the table below by referencing the spell’s normal casting time. The ritual casting time is this base ritual casting time multiplied by the total added level modifier of the augmentations. Any casting time that exceeds an hour requires a Ritual Casting check against a DC of 10 + the spell level. Use the spell’s original level, not the augmented level, for this DC. A failure on this Ritual Casting check results in the magical energies warping and recoiling back upon the caster. This results in (level of the spell + added level modifier) hit points of damage from the magical backlash as the spell is cast. The augmented ritual is still successfully cast in the event of a failed Ritual Casting check.
Augmented ritual castings require extra material components beyond those normally required for casting the spell. These additional components represent the rare materials that must be expended to draw upon even greater power for the spell effect. For divine casters, these material components are holy incense and other trappings that are expended during the casting as offerings to the gods. Arcane casters use a mixture of herbs, minerals and other components based on their specific methods of working magic. Regardless of what these ingredients are, the general
cost of the materials is equal to 25 gold x the added level modifier.
Augmented Ritual Casting Time | |
Normal Casting Time | Base Ritual Casting Time |
Free action | 1 full round |
1 action | 5 full rounds |
Full round | 5 minutes |
Other | 10 x normal casting time |
Combined Ritual Magic
Füssli, Johann Heinrich Die drei Hexen, English – The
Weird Sisters or The Three Witches
Under the direction of a single spellcaster, usually the coven’s High Priestess, a group of individuals can work together to generate greater spell effects. Similar to the use of augmented ritual magic, the primary caster uses ritual casting to enhance the basic prepared spell to new heights. Although groups with like magic (divine or arcane) work best together, anyone can assist with the performance of the ritual. Of course, non-spellcasters add to the chance of failure.
Witches refer to this as “coven casting”. Groups of bards and Lorelei witches often refer to combined ritual casting as “concert casting”. Wizard-only group casting is referred to as “cabalistic casting”. Most other casters and some witches refer to it as a “circle casting”.
Combined ritual casting works differently than augmented ritual casting in that the caster and participants do not need to have any understanding of metamagic feats. Instead, the leader of the combined ritual casts the spell to be modified, and the auxiliary members of the ritual contribute their will, desire and life energies to supplement the overall power of the spell. This supplementary power is used as bonus levels that is used split between the different aspects of the spell. Each aspect of a spell that varies with caster level (range, number of targets, area, duration, damage dice, etc.) is treated as a separate category that can be increased with bonus levels generated by the combined ritual casting. The supplementary bonus levels provided by the ritual casting cannot violate the restrictions or limits of the spell. For example, a combined ritual casting of fireball cannot exceed the spell’s l0-dice maximum for damage.
The leader (called the focus, who casts the actual spell) uses her caster level as the starting level in each category for the casting. The total bonus levels (determined by the formulas in the boxed text) are then divided up and added into each category as the primary caster chooses. The caster’s level plus the extra bonus levels now determine the effects for each of the spell’s separate categories.
One witch, usually the highest level is considered the focus. In cases where the witch must touch or kiss someone then it is the focus witch who must do it. The other witches must stay in physical contact or close proximity with the witch, i.e. not breaking the circle.
The casting time of the combined ritual is the base time for a combined ritual casting x the number of participants x the spell level. See table to determine the base time for the combined ritual casting based on the normal casting time of the spell. The number of participants does not include the leader of the combined ritual, only the people who are helping to power the spell. Any casting time of an hour or longer requires the leader to make a Ritual Casting check to maintain control of the magical energies for the spell. The DC of this skill check is increased by one for every non-spellcaster participating in the ritual. In the event of a failure in the Ritual Casting check, the energies involved with the combined ritual casting create a backlash that affects all of the participants. These energies assault the bodies and minds of each member of the ritual, resulting in (ritual bonus levels x spell level) hp of damage. A successful Will saving throw (DC of 15 + spell level) reduces this damage by half. The combined ritual is still cast in the event of a failed Ritual Casting check, but only half of the supplementary bonus levels can be harnessed prior to the spell discharge.
Combined ritual casting also requires expensive material components. These additional components are similar to those used in augmented ritual casting and represent the same types of ingredients. The cost of the material components is 10 gold pieces x the number of participants x the spell level.
Combined Ritual Casting Time | |
Normal Casting Time Base | Ritual Casting Time |
Free action | 1 Minute |
1 action | 3 minutes |
Full round | 10 minutes |
Other | 10 x normal |
Casting time = Base time x spell level x participants | |
Material Costs = 10 gp x spell level x participants |
Combined Ritual Bonus Levels | |
Witches, same coven | +1/2 of class levels |
Same caster class | +1/3 of class levels (including witches of different covens) |
Same magic type | +1/4 of class levels (arcane or divine) caster |
Other type casters | +1/5 of class levels |
Non-casters | +1/10 of class levels |
Add up all partial levels and round down any partial levels from the total to determine the total bonus levels added to the spell. Add an additional + 1 bonus level per participant that has the ability to cast the spell in question, reflecting the added spell knowledge and caster level ability. Note that crossover from arcane and divine versions of the same spells are permissible for this bonus.
Ritual Casting works best with witches of the same coven. If the spell is being cast by a full coven of witches (usually 13) then add another +1 bonus level.
Example: Saillie is attempting to move a heavy object using levitate. Saillie is only 5 th level and can only move up to 500 lbs. Teamhair, also 5 th level, joins her in a combined ritual casting. By herself, Teamhair can also only levitate 500lbs. But together they can lift 5 + 2.5 levels worth or 750 lbs. The GM decides that this is plenty to move the 600-lbs. object.
Witch True Rituals
It is possible that the first of what are known as true rituals were in fact given to witch covens by their Patrons. True rituals are usually cast by the entire coven and are treated much the same way as combined spellcasting.
True rituals are very complicated spells. They may only be cast in ritual form and cannot be augmented further with any feats or abilities. True rituals have no schools of magic associated with them; their great power combines all aspects of magic.
For witches, true rituals will always include some aspect of homeopathic, sympathetic and contagious magic.
True rituals are cast as normal spells with a few exceptions.
Components: All true rituals have verbal, somatic, material and experience cost in the spell’s components. Each member of the ritual must pay the experience cost. If the ritual is using proxy ritual members (see below) to cast the spell, the experience cost of the replaced caster(s) is divided among the normal casters who are participating in the true ritual.
Casters Required: Each true ritual has a minimum number of required casters. Each caster must have the spell prepared in the usual fashion at the time of casting. True rituals are prepared in lieu of one of the caster’s spells of equivalent level.
Effective Caster Level: With multiple casters, the power of the ritual is enhanced. Use the level of the highest caster in the group and add the number of other casters (not proxies) participating in the true ritual. The spell effects are based upon this effective caster level. Witches performing as an entire coven gain an added +1 level to this effective caster level.
Proxy: Some true rituals allow a proxy in place of one or more of the required casters. The proxy section of a true ritual’s description details who can replace a required caster during the ritual. Proxies cannot replace every caster; there must be at least one spellcaster to lead the ritual.
Saving Throw: True rituals have more power behind them, which in turn makes them more difficult to resist. Any saving throw against a true ritual spell has a DC of 15 + the level of the spell + the relevant ability modifier (Wisdom for witches) of the highest-level caster participating in the ritual.
Researching Original True Rituals
Any witch who can cast a true ritual can attempt to create a new, original true ritual. But creating a true ritual is much more demanding than, reating a normal spell. Like research of regular spells, the creation of true rituals requires access to a well-stocked library, meditation, and prayer for witches. A library must be comprised of books, treatises and manuscripts totaling at least 50,000 gp in value. Magical items and spellbooks do not count toward this total for the personal library’s value. The research must be conducted by at least three spellcasters of the same type (arcane or divine) who collaborate on the spell’s research. During the research, each of the spellcasters must pay 1,000 gp per week with a minimum of one week per effective level of the true ritual. This money goes into the same fees, experimentation and components that regular spell research consumes. At the end of the research period, each of the researchers makes a Spellcraft check against a DC of 20 + the spell level. If all of the researchers succeed, the new true ritual has successfully been created (assuming the spell is viable). If any one of the researchers fail, they must all go through the research process again if they wish to keep attempting to learn the true ritual.
The criteria for a viable true ritual are entirely dependent upon the requirements of the Game Master. Use the guidelines for new spell creations in Core Rulebook II. Compare any new true ritual concepts to those presented here. The following
are required for all true rituals:
A minimum of three casters is required to perform a true ritual, more depending upon the spell. The ritual must have an experience point cost to cast. Higher experience point costs can balance the power level of some true rituals.
The number of casters required to cast a true ritual is also the number of casters that are required to research the spell. Requiring a high number of casters can also serve to balance a ritual’s power level, though not as much as an experience point cost.
Variant: Power Points

Power points exist throughout the world, where magic gathers in greater amounts. These power points are located throughout the world and can be traced to regions called ley lines. Any magic performed on these points is enhanced as if the caster were a level higher then normal. Dragons naturally gravitate to and attempt to lair at locations with power points. druids are likewise required to cast all true rituals within the confines of specially prepared power points ringed with standing stones. Witches will form their covensteads in areas where ley lines cross.
Countering Ritual Magic
Dispelling or countering augmented and combined ritual castings of spells is similar to countering a normal spell. Of course, the longer casting time offers a larger window of opportunity to disrupt the spell. Throughout the casting, observers get a Spellcraft check (DC 18 + the spell’s level). The DC is slightly higher due to the changes in the prolonged casting, but the longer casting time allows for a retry Spellcraft check each round. Using dispel magic to counter an augmented and combined ritual casting is much easier due to the extra delicate magical energies being manipulated. The dispel check goes against a DC of 6 + the spell’s caster level if the dispel check is made during the casting to counter the ritual spell.
As with countering metamagic feats, any additional effects or added levels are not taken into account when counter-spelling a ritual casting. A regular cone of cold spell counters a ritually enhanced cone of cold.
True rituals cannot be countered with knowledge of the true ritual in question; the preparations are too long and complicated to enact even throughout the hours of casting time required. True rituals can be easily disrupted through combat, distraction or other means. Unlike ritual casting spells, any dispel magic checks to counterspell a true ritual go against a DC of 15 + the caster level of the ritual’s highest- level caster.
Witch True Rituals
- Handfasting. Blesses the union between two people.
- Rites of Passage. Rites for personal milestones.
- Consecration Ritual. Consecrates a ritual tool, altar or magical item for use.
- Wheel of the Year. Rites for the seasons
- Drawing Down the Moon. Commune with the Goddess
- Calling the Quarters. Creates a permanent magic circle for the covenstead.
- Binding Ritual. Stops a witch from using her magic.
- Protection of the Goddess. Grants protection to those in the Goddess’ care.
- Descent of the Goddess. Returns one creature back to life.
Protection of the Goddess
protection to those in the Goddess’ care.
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 8
Components: V, S, M, AF, XP
Casters Required: 3
Proxy: No
Casting Time: 1 day
Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2levels)
Area: One covenstead or dwelling
Duration: ECL in days after activation.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Fiona, Teamhair, and Saillie knew their time was short and they could hear the witch finder approaching. They continued to run, knowing they would make it to their home barely soon enough. They ran inside their small dwelling. Saillie and Fiona collapsed from exhaustion. Teamhair stood to face their attacker. He approached, crossbow in hand, smiling.
“You gave me a good run witch. But now the hunt is over.” He raised his crossbow and took aim at Teamhair. She grabbed Sallie’s hand with her own and Sallie grabbed her daughter’s.
“You will not have us. Not this day or any other. Brigit protects her own. A Bhrigid, scar os mo chionn Do bhrat fionn dom anacal. Díbir Namhaid! Now get out of my home!”
Teamhair shouted, holding her palm up at the would-be assassin. Her eyes flashed and a wave of energy extended from the trio of witches outward to enclose their dwelling, knocking the witch finder backwards through the entry and out into the night.
Angered, he rose and leveled his bow again, this time firing at the older witch inside the home.
“No!” shouted Saillie, but Teamhair stood firm. The crossbow bolt flew towards her and then it turned back on itself. Returning on its course it impaled the witch finder in the throat killing him instantly.
A defensive ritual with an offensive bite, this magic shows that the Goddess protects what is Hers. This ritual once cast and activated will not allow any aggressive action taken upon those with within its confines. Melee attacks turn back on their attacker, spells backfire or effect the caster instead. Beneficial spells and magic will continue to work and others, ones not protected nor involved in the casting of the ritual, can effect each other as they please.
Witches and any they choose to protect also may not attack others, but they can force out attackers. Anytime during the duration of the ritual the lead witch can
say a command word or phrase and all those of hostile intent are removed from
the area of effect.
The effects
will remain dormant until the first act of violence is committed or until
one of the witches present at the original ritual activates it. Often the
coven chooses to activate it once the ritual is cast. After that time the
effects persist a number of days equal to the effective casting level.
Material Components: Specially blessed sea salt is sprinkled around the area. Then another pass is made with blessed water (can be Holy Water if the witch so chooses), once more with perfumed oils sprayed into the air and finally another with lighted incense. These material components do not account for more than 100 gold pieces of value total.
Focus: The arcane focus is the appropriate witch ritual tool for each pass of the area to be protected. So for salt, an earth element, the witch distributes it on a plate with a pentacle engraved on it. For water, the chalice and incense,
fire. For perfumed oils, air, they may be applied to the athame and waved
about or placed in a censer.
XP Cost: 1,000 XP each caster.
of the Goddess
one person back to life
Level: Witch True Ritual – Witch 9
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
Casters Required: Minimum 3
Proxy: Yes. A true love or soul mate may provide all of the
XP required.
Casting Time: 1 day, during Samhain or Ostara
Range: Close
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Resistance: Yes (harmless)
In ancient
times there were only the Goddess and Her Consort. Their love kept the Earth
in a perpetual summer. But as fate and age would have it, the Consort died.
Some say it was by accident, or violence, but others say it was the course
of all things. Weeping, the Goddess went for her lover’s soul in the
Land of the Dead and Winter came to the land.
Upon reaching
Death’s Realm the Goddess petitioned Death for the return of her lover;
but even Death was powerless. She agreed to stay with Death and He taught
Her the ways of life, death and rebirth. For the return of Her lover, all
must be reborn. And to be reborn means to die.
cannot use resurrection spells. It violates the cycle of life, death, and
rebirth that they have always believed in. But in some cases the need is so
great that one may be returned. Permission must be asked by the High Priestess
of the coven, if granted then she is granted knowledge of this ritual.
This spell
will return one loved one, regardless of duration dead or presence of remains,
back to life and full health at the age they were taken. However, if that
loved one has died of old age they will not be able to return, their measure
of life was already taken.
Components: An image of the one to be raised. A special jar or caldron
to house the soul of the raised one until their new body is constructed out
of the ether. A special ritual area for casting. Candles, incense and other
ritual items will be needed. Total cost for this will be 10,000gps.
focus: The casting witches will need to use all their ritual tools
to direct their energies.
Cost: 2,000 XP each caster. If the person to be returned has a true
love or a soul mate, then that person can pay the total XP cost herself for
the return of her true love. Alternately one may willingly give up their life
to grant the spark of life needed. This person need not be the returned one’s