Republic of Venice (The Most Serene Republic of Venice)

- Coat of arms/Flag
- Capital City- Venice
- Other Settlements –
- Places –
- Languages – Italian, Venetian, Latin
- Religion(s) –
- Government – parliamentary merchant republic with elective monarchistic features.
- Legislature – Council of Ten
- Current Ruler – Doge, Francesco Foscari
- Other Notable residents – Giacomo Casanova
- Currency – Venetian ducat, Venetian lira
The Republic of Venice is a sovereign state and maritime republic in northeastern Italy. The prosperous city of Venice a leading European economic and trading power.

The Venetian city state was founded as a safe haven for people escaping persecution in mainland Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. In its early years, it prospered on the salt trade. In subsequent centuries, the city state established a thalassocracy. It dominated trade on the Mediterranean Sea, including commerce between Asia, Europe and North Africa. The Venetian navy was used in the Crusades. Venice achieved territorial conquests along the Adriatic Sea. The city has become home to an extremely wealthy merchant class, who patronise renowned art and architecture along the city’s lagoons. Venetian merchants are influential financiers in Europe. The city is also the birthplace of great European explorers, including Marco Polo, as well as the music composer Vivaldi.
The republic is ruled by the Doge, who was elected by members of the Great Council of Venice, the city-state’s parliament. The ruling class was an oligarchy of merchants and aristocrats. Venetian citizens generally support the system of governance. The city-state enforced strict laws and employed ruthless tactics in its prisons.
The recent opening of new trade routes to the Americas and the East Indies via the Atlantic Ocean has marked the beginning of Venice’s decline as a maritime republic.