The Tree of Life (Yggdrasill)
Giant ash tree springing from body of Ymir and supporting universe; its roots extended to Asgard, Jotunnheim, and Niffheim
Songs of the Sidhe by David Ross
Most fey agree with the general principle of cosmology known as the Tree of Life, though its details vary. The Tree of Life is the hub of Creation – its roots are Ladinion, its trunk is Annwn, and its leaves are the myriad worlds of the Fleeting Realm. The leaves grow, age, and die quickly when compared to the Tree’s roots, and this is reflected by the way time generally passes slower inside Faerie than outside it. Like most sane beings, the fey understand the Void Beyond to be a horrific space outside of proper reality. However, in their worldview nothing can truly be outside of nature, so at the same time they also try to find a function for it. Fey legends claim that the destroyed remains of the previous multiverse, the Loam in which the Tree of Life is growing, was once located in the Void Beyond.