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Village Elder (Human Commoner level 8 )

By After Albrecht Dürer - National Gallery, London National Gallery, London - online catalogue., Public Domain,, Village Elder
By After Albrecht Dürer – National Gallery, London National Gallery, London – online catalogue., Public Domain,

As a respected person in his community, an elder takes it upon himself to stand up to any troublemakers in her village despite his advancing years. He maintains a fine political balance between the clergy, merchants, and commoners in his town, using diplomacy and information to defuse arguments.


If anyone attacks the elder, he calls for guards (warriors 3) and recruits (warriors 1) to protect him, and most other townsfolk call for additional help if they can not or dare not assist her directly.

Village Elder
Human CR 2

XP 600 Any Medium Humanoid

Commoner level 8 (skill points 44) Commoner

Init 0; Senses ; Listen +0; Spot +0
AC 13, Touch 10, flat footed 13 ( Leather, Shield, none) (+1 Natural, +2 armor)

hp 20 (0d8+8d4);

Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30


Single Attack(+1/+0) Quarterstaff +4 (1d6-1)

Full Attack (+1/+0) Quarterstaff +4 (1d6-1)

Space 5ft.; Reach 5

Special Attacks
Strength 9, Dexterity 11, Constitution 10, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 10, Charisma 12

Base Attack 4 Grapple 3

Feats Leadership: Attract cohort and followers, Negotiator: +2 Diplomacy +2 Sense motive, Persuasive: +2 Bluff +2 Intimidate,

Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Diplomacy): +3 Diplomacy

Skills Bluff 5, Climb -1, Craft 1, Diplomacy 10, Intimidate 8, Jump -1, Know Local 6, Listen 0, Perception 4, Perform Oratory 3, Ride 2, Sense Motive 6, Spot 0, Swim -1, Use Rope 0

Languages Common
Environment Any

Organization Company 10-20, Band 30-100, Squad 4-8

Treasure Standard
MAGIC ITEMS (max value 2000) Total Value = 2300
Amulet of natural armour (+1) +1 Nat armour (2000gp)

Masterwork Quarterstaff (300gp)

Section 15: Copyright Notice  

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields, Rob McCreary, Mark Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.

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