Guard Officer (Human Fighter 4)

Guard officers supervise guards in their duties and respond to major disturbances, using their grim demeanors and skill at arms to quell conflict. They coordinate well in battle with the guards under their command, rounding up troublemakers and preventing their escape.
[This content was created for the Pathfinder rules by Paizo Publishing LLC and is part of the Pathfinder RPG product line.]
Guard Officer CR 3 |
XP 800 Human fighter 4 LN Medium humanoid Init +1; Senses Perception +3 |
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +1 Dexterity) hp 34 (4d10+12) Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1; +1 vs. fear Defensive Abilities bravery +1 |
Speed 20 ft. Melee mwk guisarme +9 (2d4+5/x3) or sap +7 (1d6+3 nonlethal) Ranged net +5 ranged touch (entangle) or javelin +5 (1d6+2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with guisarme) |
Strength 16, Dexterity 13, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 10, Charisma 12 Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 18 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Weapon Focus (guisarme), Weapon Specialization (guisarme) Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +3, Ride +2, Sense Motive +2 Languages Common SQ armor training 1 Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear full plate, masterwork guisarme, javelin, nets (2), sap Boon A guard officer can alert the PCs to local customs, traditions, tricks, and suspicious activity, granting a +2 bonus for 24 hours on opposed Perception and Sense Motive checks within the city. She can also arrange a meeting with a watch captain for the PCs. |
Guard officers can also be used as highly skilled gladiators or flamboyant bounty hunters. They might even be found as royal guardsmen in a kings throne room. In an evil society, guard officers may wear spiked armor and be outfitted with scythes or spiked chains instead of guisarmes and poisoned hand crossbows instead of nets.
Guard officers usually patrol with four guards (CR 6), or three guard officers may serve as adjutants to a watch captain (CR 8). Two guard officers can escort a battle mage (CR 7) to respond to magical threats. Four guard officers and a champion (CR 10) form an elite arena fighting team, while two guard officers and two slavers (CR 7) might guard a valuable shipment of slaves.
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Skip Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. |