
Towering above its surroundings, this monstrously hideous giant staggers forth, leaning on crudely formed polearm with two tines. His bent body is covered with scraggly hair and tiny horns protrude from his fleshy forehead. Drool spills from his its pink, fleshy lips and his its cracked teeth grind like ravenous millstones.
Beasts of Legend
Boreal Bestiary
Jason Nelson, Tim Hitchcock, and Matt Goodall
Hiisi CR 16
XP 76,800
CE Huge monstrous humanoid
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +12
AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 28 (+4 armor, +16 natural, –2 size)
hp 250 (20d10+140)
Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +15
DR 5/cold iron; Immune disease, poison; SR 27
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Hiisi fork +28/+23/+18/+13 (3d6+13/x3)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks rock throwing (30 ft.)
Str 28, Dex 11, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +20; CMB +31 (+33 bull rush, +33 sunder); CMD
43 (45 vs. bull rush, 45 vs. sunder)
Feats Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ranseur)
Skills Climb +18, Craft (traps) +13, Intimidate +10, Perception +11, Stealth +0 (+10 in mountainous regions), Survival +10; Racial Modifiers +6 Craft (traps), +10
Stealth in mountainous regions
Languages Giant
SQ dead magic blood, traps, trap springer
Gear mwk hide armor, hiisi fork
Environment cold hills and mountains
Organization solitary, clan (2d6)
Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Dead Magic Blood (Su) All hisiis are naturally resistant to magic. Not only do they have heightened spell resistance, their very blood can be used to create dead magic zones. Over the centuries, the hiisis have learned to manipulate this property
quite effectively.
As a standard action, a hiisi can bleed himself for 2d6 points of damage to effectively create a dead magic zone. A dead magic zone has the properties of an anti-magic field in a 20-ft-radius surrounding the spilled blood. The anti-magic field effect lasts for 5+1d10 minutes. They often spill blood on their traps or on boulders before throwing them at spell-wielding opponents. Once spilled, the properties of the blood quickly dissipate and it cannot be effectively stored for later use.
Traps (Ex) Hiisi possess an innate talent for building deadly mechanical traps. Hiisi traps consist mostly of landmines, triggered avalanches, and hurling projectiles. Foul creatures, they frequently smear their traps with fecal matter, dead organisms, and natural toxins to make them more deadly. A hiisi requires no gold to make his traps, but instead scrounges for materials he needs. These consist of simple and readily available materials such as scrap metal, wood, cord, sinew, and bone. Once the hiisi has collected what he needs, it takes him a relatively short amount of time to construct a trap. A hiisi can set number of traps per day equal to half his Hit Die plus its Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Setting a trap requires a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A trap fills a 10-foot square area, and cannot be placed in the same area as another trap or a magical trap such as a glyph of warding. However, a hiisi can increase the area of a trap by building a second trap adjacent to the initial trap. The DCs for Perception checks to notice the trap and Disable Device checks to disable it are equal to 10 + the hiisi’s HD + its Wisdom modifier. The DC for saving throws to avoid it is 10
1/2 the Hiisi’s HD + its Wisdom modifier. All hiisi traps are Trigger: location, and Reset: none. Hiisi traps deal 1d6 hit points of damage per Hit Die. Each trap lasts a number of days equal to half the creature’s Hit Dice or until it is triggered, whichever comes first.
- Hiisi Avalanche Trap: Type mechanical; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31; Trigger location; Reset none; Effect 1d4 avalanches. For size, coverage and damage see the Environment section of the Pathfinder Core Rule Book. Unlike a standard avalanche, a hiisi avalanche trap has a location trigger, giving its victims little warning of impending danger. If the hiisi desires, he can set this trigger up to 300 feet from the head of avalanche.
- Hiisi Dead Magic Collapsing Pit Trap: Type mechanical; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31; Trigger location; Reset none; Effect spell effect anti-magic field plus 50-ft.-deep pit (5d6 falling damage, Climb DC 25); falling debris (Atk +21 melee, 10d6 damage); DC 21 Reflex avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 20-ft. square area).
- Hiisi Flying Dung Boulders Trap: Type mechanical; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31; Trigger location; Reset none; Effect +20 ranged (10d6 plus filth fever), multiple targets (all targets in a 20-ft. square area).
- Hiisi Alchemist Fire Geyser: Type mechanical; Perception DC 31; Disable Device 31: Trigger Location; Reset none; Effect 20-foot-tall geyser of alchemist’s fire 10d6 fire for 2 rounds (Reflex DC 21 for half and avoids second round damage) plus multiple targets (all targets in adjacent squares, 5d6 fire from splash; Reflex DC 21 negates)
Trap Springer (Ex) A hiisi can rig a trap he has crafted by exceeding its Disable Device DC by 10 so that he can trigger it as move action as long as he within 30 feet of the trap.
These deformed, hirsute giants inhabit the cold wildlands that border the realms of what appears to be their favorite prey, man. Monstrously hideous, those who have survived hiisi encounters describe them as a crossbreed of ogres, hill giants, devils, and yeti. Still, hiisis stand larger than all these creatures and despite their hunched posture, adults tower nearly 16-feet tall. Long, thin, scraggly hair covers their hulking and muscular forms, providing both camouflage and protection from the harsh, frigid climates where they settle. A hiisi’s hair thins out almost completely on its head, lower legs, feet, forearms, and hands while its blotchy skin is a ruddy color. The two stumpy horn-like protrusions along the hiisi’s boney brow-ridge suggest infernal influence, or perhaps even the influence of oni.
Curiously, they also have short, stubby tails. While below average in intelligence, hiisis posses a sort of primal cunning that has aided their species through centuries of survival. Perhaps to compensate for their limited intelligence, they hoard ancient secrets, passing them down through generations despite never understanding their meaning. Hiisis thrive upon violence, and their culture is based entirely on brutality and dominance. Semi-nomadic cave dwellers, they live in small clans and migrate with the seasons. A typical clan consists of a single adult male, four to six females, the same number of adolescents, and twice as many children. Clans fight over common hunting grounds, caves, and mates. Hiisi clan leaders treat their women and children as commodities and think nothing of killing rival clan leaders and stealing their families to increase their own wealth. They do not afford much sympathy to outsiders and have no use for thralls or slaves of other races. For the most part, they avoid outsiders though they have few qualms about slaying them and eating them when supplies of humans run short. Humans are of course their preferred quarries, and hiisis become crazed with excitement whenever they encounter them. They believe eating humans increases their intelligence and virility. For this reason, clan leaders compulsively collect the skulls of their human victims. Within their caves, they make great piles and elaborate displays of human skulls in order to show off their power. Nearly all hiisi settlements have at least one great iron cooking pot that they keep stewing with meat.
Hiisis wear few clothes, with males wearing hides for armor or loincloths. To proclaim status, they decorate themselves with crude jewelry made from bones, rocks, tusks, and similar materials, all painted with primitive cryptographs. Dominant males also file their teeth into sharpened points. Despite their primitiveness, hiisis possess a minimal knowledge of metallurgy. While their skills remain crude, they are proficient enough to craft basic tools and weapons from iron. They make their own weapons, huge polearms with flat bladed tines that they are adept at using to impale victims as well as ensnare and snap their opponent’s weapons. They also excel at making large and deadly traps using foraged materials. They surround their territories with their traps, checking them infrequently for humans and other prey. While they delight in catching things, the dimwitted creatures become disappointed, if not openly enraged, when they discover their traps sprung or disabled and placate themselves by smashing the nearest available target.