Agathion Draconal

This noble creature seems to be part serpent, part humanoid, and part dragon, with great wings and a crown of horns.
Agathion Draconal CR 20
XP 307,200
NG Large outsider (agathion, extraplanar, good)
Init +6; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +48; Aura protective aura (20 ft.)
AC 36, touch 18, flat-footed 33 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +6 insight, +18 natural, –1 size) (+4 deflection vs. evil)
hp 324 (24d10+192); regeneration 10 (evil weapons and spells)
Fort +22, Ref +16, Will +17; +4 vs. poison, +4 resistance vs. evil
DR 15/evil and silver; Immune one energy type (see Celestial Focus), electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, sonic 10; SR 31
Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft. (average)
Melee bite +36 (2d6+13 plus 1d6 energy), 2 claws +31 (1d8+6 plus 1d6 energy)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (120-ft. line, 20d6 energy damage, Reflex DC 30 half, usable once every 1d4 rounds)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 24th; concentration +30)
Constant—speak with animals
At will—beast shape II, command (DC 17), detect thoughts, elemental body III (air or water elementals only), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), gust of wind, hold monster (DC 20), identify, light, lightning bolt (DC 19), mage hand, message
7/day—break enchantment, cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, remove disease
3/day—control water, control weather, control winds, heal, plane shift (DC 23)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 17th; concentration +23)
9th—implosion (DC 26), storm of vengeanceD (DC 26)
8th—demandD, earthquake, quickened holy smite (DC 21)
7th—empowered breath of life, empowered flame strike (DC 22), holy word (DC 24), quickened invisibility purge, repulsionD (DC 24)
6th—animate objects, blade barrierD (DC 23), find the path, heal, heroes’ feast, quickened remove paralysis
5th—breath of life, dispel evilD, flame strike (DC 22), greater command (DC 22), spell resistance, true seeing
4th—cure critical wounds (3), freedom of movement, holy smiteD (DC 21), repel vermin (DC 21)
3rd—bestow curse (DC 20), daylight, dispel magic, helping hand, magic vestmentD, prayer, protection from energy
2nd—align weaponD (good only), calm emotions (DC 19), enthrall, hold person (DC 19), lesser restoration (2), shield other
1st—bless, detect undead, divine favorD, obscuring mist, remove fear, sanctuary (DC 18), shield of faith
0 (at will)—detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink, stabilize
D domain spell; Domains Good, Nobility
Str 36, Dex 15, Con 27, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 23
Base Atk +24; CMB +38; CMD 57 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Empower Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Perception), Spell Penetration
Skills Acrobatics +25, Bluff +29, Diplomacy +26, Escape Artist +22, Heal +27, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (nature) +27, Knowledge (planes) +34, Knowledge (religion) +31, Perception +48, Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +27, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +26; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; speak with animals, truespeech
SQ celestial focus, divine insight, lay on hands (10d6, 16/day, as a 20th-level paladin)
Celestial Focus (Ex)
A draconal’s color indicates aspects of its power and attunement to the powers of the good planes (see Draconal Colors, below). These determine the draconal’s breath weapon, the additional energy damage of its claw and bite attacks, additional resistances and immunities, and its additional domain choices (see Spells, below).
Divine Insight (Su)
A draconal adds its Charisma bonus as an insight bonus to Armor Class.
Protective Aura (Su)
Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the draconal. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level equals draconal’s HD). (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in a draconal’s stat block.)
Draconals cast spells as 17th-level clerics. Like clerics, they have access to two domains, selecting from the following list: Air, Good, Nobility, Weather, and two additional domain options based on their color (see below). The majority of draconals choose Good and Nobility as their domains (as represented by this stat block). Draconals have a domain spell slot at each spell level but do not gain the granted powers of their chosen domains, nor do they gain access to other cleric abilities.
Environment any air (Nirvana)
Organization solitary, pair, or flight (3–6)
Treasure double
Draconals are mighty agathion lords, few in number and greatly removed from mortal affairs. They watch over powerful magic and are direct agents of the gods and the needs of the good planes. Patient and ageless, they plan for the long term, which often frustrates mortal creatures who seek to gain their assistance with a threat in the here and now. A draconal would rather support or enhance a group of heroes than tackle a problem directly, maintaining its focus on planar matters.
Draconals are attuned to nature and believe in cycles of life and death. Though they are good, they understand that the presence of evil gives good creatures something to strive against, preventing stagnation and complacency. This means their outlook sometimes appears almost neutral, though they hate suffering and needless death.
Draconal Colors
A draconal’s coloration represents mystical elements relating to energy, life, and the natural world. These colors are normally chromatic rather than metallic, and an ignorant person seeing a draconal’s colors may mistake her for an evil half-dragon. However, some draconals have metallic or gem-like coloration; for example, a yellow draconal may appear mustard yellow or metallic gold, while a white draconal may be chalk white, pearlescent white, or metallic silver. Draconals can change their coloration after a lengthy period of meditation, but normally only do this in response to some horrible evil that requires their direct intervention. This change affects the draconals’ personality, and may alter their physical shape or apparent gender.
- Black: Black is a balance between male and female energy, and represents the sky, stars, immortality, and leadership. Black draconals are immune to fire damage, and their breath weapon is fire. A black draconal adds Fire, Glory, and Luck to its list of possible domains.
- Green: Green is slightly skewed toward masculinity. It represents wood, plants, and flowers. Green draconals are immune to cold damage, and their breath weapon is cold. A green draconal adds Animal, Plant, and Water to its list of possible domains.
- Red: Red is a strongly masculine color, and most red draconals are male or have aggressive or gregarious personalities. Red represents fire, light, and warding against bad luck. Red draconals are immune to fire damage, and their breath weapon is fire. A red draconal adds Fire, Protection, and Sun to its list of possible domains.
- White: White is slightly skewed toward femininity, and most white draconals are female or have protective or serene personalities. White represents brightness, fulfillment, metal, mourning, and purity. White draconals are immune to cold damage, and their breath weapon is cold. A white draconal adds Artifice, Liberation, and Repose to its list of possible domains.
- Yellow: Like black, yellow is a balance between male and female energy. Yellow represents earth, oracles, stone, and luck. Yellow draconals are immune to acid, and their breath weapon is acid. A yellow draconal adds Earth, Glory, and Luck to its list of possible domains.
Section 15: Copyright Notice
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors WolfgangBaur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, TimHitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, RobMcCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on materialby Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.