Nightblade of Arvandor, the Elven Shadowmaster
“Unleash Celestial Stars with the Nightblade of Arvandor – Your Enemies Won’t See It Coming!”

The Nightblade of Arvandor holds a storied history that dates back to the time when the elves first walked beneath the radiant boughs of their celestial homeland. Forged in the sacred forges of Arvandor, this enchanted elven sword is an embodiment of celestial craftsmanship and divine blessings.
Legend has it that the blade’s creation was a collaboration between the greatest elven artisans and the gods themselves. The celestial deities, moved by the elves’ unwavering devotion and their relentless pursuit of goodness, bestowed their divine favor upon this exceptional weapon.
The sword’s most distinctive feature is its ability to manifest stars, which emanate a radiant light imbued with the essence of good. These stars, while not physical projectiles, are powerful projectiles of magical force. They can pierce through any form of malevolence and darkness, making the Nightblade of Arvandor a formidable weapon against evil entities.
Throughout the ages, this divine blade has been wielded by the noblest champions of the elven race. These valiant heroes have taken up its luminous cause, defending their kin and the realms of light from the encroaching shadows of the multiverse. With each swing, the blade sang with the harmonious chorus of the heavens, resonating with the power of the celestial realm.
In the present era, the Nightblade of Arvandor rests in a place of honor, awaiting the touch of a hero pure of heart and resolute in their dedication to the cause of good. It yearns for a new champion to emerge, one who will continue its legacy and shine brightly as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against the forces of darkness and malevolence that threaten the realms of light.
Starstrike Blade 5e
Nightblade of Arvandor 3.5
Starstrike Blade
Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
This enchanted longsword has the ability to conjure ethereal stars that can be flung as ranged attacks. While wielding the Starstrike Blade, you can use a standard action on your turn to fire a number of stars equal to the number of ranged attacks you have in one round. When you use the sword in this way, you provoke opportunity attacks, and each star requires its own ranged spell attack roll.
- Nonevil Target: A nonevil creature struck by a star takes 1d8 force damage, half of which is nonlethal damage (rounded down).
- Evil Target: An evil creature struck by a star takes 1d8 force damage.
These stars are magical force and bypass damage reduction and incorporeality.
Requirements: Moderate evocation (good); Creator Level 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be of good alignment; Cost: 44,315 gp; Cost to Create: 22,315 gp + 1,760 XP.
‘Nightblade of Arvandor’ – This +2 longsword appears to be made of black steel. Within the blade, one can see miniscule twinkling stars. Upon command, the sword launches starlike pulses of light.
Book of Exalted Deeds
James Wyatt, Christopher Perkins, Darrin Drader
Each round, as a standard action, the nightblade can fire as many stars from its blade as the wielder has ranged attacks. Using the sword in this fashion provokes attacks of opportunity, and each star requires its own ranged touch attack roll. A nonevil creature struck by a star takes 1d8 points of damage, half of which is nonlethal damage (rounded down). An evil creature struck by a star takes 1d8 points of lethal damage. The stars are magical force, not weapons, so they ignore damage reduction and incorporeality.
Moderate evocation [good]; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, stars of Arvandor, creator must be good; Price 44,315 gp; Cost to Create 22,315 gp + 1,760 XP.