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Rod of the Erotic Spirit

Rod of the Erotic Spirit

The Rod of the Erotic Spirit is a powerful magic item of unknown origin. It appears to be a long black staff, about the size of a man’s arm, with a smooth glossy finish. The staff is capped at both ends with a ruby-like gemstone, which is said to contain a powerful spirit inside. The staff itself is cool to the touch, and appears to be made of a hard, dark metal. It is said to be a powerful magical artifact that can be used to channel the power of the spirit to unleash powerful spells.

Book of Erotic Fantasy
Author: Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel

The rod of the erotic spirit is identical in appearance to the Rod of the Erotic Body, except that it is warm and slightly flexible. If the wielder engages in sex, he gets an increase to one of his ability scores as if he had one of the following feats’ Kundalini, Self-Aware, or Tantric. He must still make a Perform (sexual technique) check and engage in sex for at least 20 minutes to gain the benefit of one of these feats. If he already has one of the feats mentioned above and engages in sex in order to gain its benefit, the bonus is increased by +2.

Strong transmutation; Caster Level: 10th; Craft rod, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom; Price: 50,400 gp; Weight: 3 1b.

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