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Spear, Syringe

The blade of this weapon contains a thin tube or bore that connects to a hollow container just beneath the crosspiece.

Source: Pathfinder

  • Description: A successful hit with the spear injects the liquid contents of the container (typically poison) into the target.
  • Action: Refilling a syringe spear takes 1 minute.
  • Weapon Feature(s): brace, special
  • Weapon Group spears
Two-Handed Melee Weapons (Martial)
WeaponCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeightTypeSpecial
Spear, syringe100 gp 1d61d8x3 20 ft. (thrown) 6 lbs. Piercingsee text

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Companion: Adventurer’s Armory. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jonathan Keith, Hal Maclean, Jeff Quick, Christopher Self, JD Wiker, and Keri Wiker.

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