Net Bolas
Ranged Weapons Exotic | ||||||||
Weapon | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight | Type | Special |
Net Bolas | 70 gp | 1d2 | 1d3 | x2 | 10 ft. | 4 lb. | Bludgeoning | see text |
Net bolas look like common Bolas (which are not that common themselves), with two leather spheres joined by leather leashes. The only difference is that one of the spheres of a set of net bolas hides a folded net. Net bolas function as normal bolas until they hit an opponent or surface (including the ground); at this point, the hidden net is automatically sprung upon any creature passing near.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Net bolas were designed by a clever ranger from the Southern plains, who specialised in capturing and selling large animals. This anonymous ranger discovered that bolas were not enough to capture the largest specimens, for which he attempted to use a net instead. However, the limited range of nets made it very difficult and risky to engage some animals with them, so he was faced with a conundrum: either to use ineffective weapons at excellent range, or useful weapons at a negligible (and dangerous) range. After much experimentation, he used the strongest fibres he could develop to build a net that was light enough to fold itself into a small compartment, yet strong enough to hold the biggest beasts. Such a net was to travel inside one of the weights of a specifically designed set of hunting bolas, which would spring the net automatically as soon as they hit the enemy. The weapon was a huge success, and soon after most of the ranger‘s friends and neighbours, as well as all of his sons and daughters, were using net bolas to capture wild animals. Net bolas spread through the world via weapons stores
specialised in exotic designs and hunting gear.
A character can use net bolas to make ranged trip attacks; a character cannot be tripped during his own trip attempt when wielding net bolas.
After a set of net bolas has been used to make a trip attempt or normal attack, regardless of whether the attack was successful or not, a net automatically springs in the target’s area. The target must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) or become entangled (-2 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, cannot charge or run) by the springing net. An entangled creature must succeed at a DC 15 Concentration check to be able to cast a spell. An entangled creature can escape by succeeding at an Escape Artist check (DC 25). The net has ten hit points and can be burst with a successful Strength check (DC 30). Both escaping from and bursting a net are full-round actions. A character that rolls a natural 1 when attacking with net bolas springs the net upon himself and he must succeed at a Reflex save or become entangled as detailed above.
A full-round action must be spent folding the net inside its compartment to use net bolas again. A normal net can never fit inside a net bolas compartment.
Net Bolas: One-handed Exotic Weapon; 70 gp; Dmg 1d2(S)/1d3(M); Critical x2; Range 10 ft.; 4 lb.; Bludgeoning