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Glaive, Ripsaw

The blade of this glaive is serrated and mounted on an axle, around which a heavy cord is wrapped.

This content is from material published by Paizo Publishing, LLC, but is not part of the Pathfinder Core Rules.

Source: Pathfinder

  • When the cord is pulled as a move action, the blade spins rapidly for a number of rounds equal to your Strength bonus. While the blade is spinning, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls with the weapon. When the blade is not spinning, treat this weapon as a glaive.
  • Weapon Group polearms
Melee Weapons (Exotic)
WeaponCostDmg (S)Dmg (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeightTypeSpecial
Ripsaw glaive30 gp1d81d10x3—-12 lbs.Sreach, see text

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer’s Armory 2 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jenny Jarzabski, Mikko Kallio, Isabelle Lee, Luis Loza, Joe Pasini, David N. Ross, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

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