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By Pierre Larousse - Dictionnaire Encyclopédique Larousse (1898), Public Domain,, Fauchard
By Pierre Larousse – Dictionnaire Encyclopédique Larousse (1898), Public Domain,

This polearm is similar to a glaive, being a curved blade affixed to the end of a pole.

Source: Pathfinder

Unlike a glaive, though, the cutting edge of a fauchard is along the concave side, causing the blade to resemble that of a sickle or Scythe.

Benefit: The fauchard is more awkward to utilize than a glaive (and as such is an exotic weapon), but its increased threat range over the glaive and the ability to trip foes make it a dangerous weapon in the hands of a skilled user.

Weapon Feature(s): reach, trip

Melee Weapons
WeaponCostDamage (S)Damage (M)CriticalRange IncrementWeightTypeSpecial
Fauchard 14 gp1d8 1d1018-20/x210 lbs.Sreach, trip

Source Classic Horrors Revisited

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