Bolt, Crossbow, Fire (Ammunition)
These carefully crafted wooden bolts have a hollow core filled with alchemist’s fire.
- Benefit: On a successful hit, fire bolts deal normal damage plus 1d4 points of fire damage.
- Note: Alchemical fire bolts do not cause any splash damage, and the fire burst isn’t enough to ignite targets (unless they are particularly flammable).
(Simple) Ammunition | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight1 | Type2 | Special |
Bolt(s), fire (1) | 50 gp | - | – | – | - | 0.1 lb. | - | see text |
Pathfinder #15 Second Darkness: The Armageddon Echo. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.