Bec de Corbin

The bec de corbin is a polearm very similar to the lucerne hammer, but the hammer head is blunt rather than spiked and the spike is stouter and more hooked. You primarily attack with the spike.
[This content was created for the Pathfinder rules by Paizo Publishing LLC and is part of the Pathfinder RPG product line.]
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your CMB to sunder medium or heavy armor with this weapon.
Features: brace, reach
Two-Handed Melee Weapons (Martial) | ||||||||
Weapon | Cost | Damage (S) | Damage (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight | Type | Special |
Bec de Corbin | 15 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | x3 | – | 12 lbs. | B or P | brace, reach, see text |
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Advanced Player’s Guide
Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.