Justice is on the prowl.

A poorly executed action film that fails to do justice to the iconic DC Comics character.
Catwoman – It all started on the day that I died. If there had been an obituary, it would have described the unremarkable life of an unremarkable woman, survived by no one. But there was no obituary, because the day that I died was also the day I started to live. But that comes later. This was my life. Days blended together, consistently ordinary, thanks to a job that was the practical version of my passion. I was supposed to be an artist by now. Instead, I was designing ads for beauty cream. –
Catwoman, directed by Pitof, is a 2004 action film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The movie stars Halle Berry as Patience Phillips, a woman who gains cat-like abilities after being resurrected by an Egyptian cat goddess.
While the concept of Catwoman is intriguing, the execution of the film falls flat. The plot is convoluted and lacks coherence, leaving the audience confused and disengaged. The script is clichéd, and the dialogue is cringe-worthy at times, making it difficult to take the film seriously.
The action sequences in Catwoman are over-the-top and lack any real sense of danger. The special effects are subpar and take away from any potential excitement. Even the titular character’s costume and makeup are a disappointment, looking cheap and unimpressive on screen.
Furthermore, the acting in the film is underwhelming, with most of the cast seeming disinterested in their roles. Halle Berry, who won an Academy Award for Best Actress in 2002, gives a lackluster performance, and her portrayal of Catwoman feels forced and uninspired.
Overall, Catwoman is a disappointing adaptation that fails to capture the essence of the beloved comic book character. The film is forgettable, and it’s no surprise that it was a critical and commercial failure upon its release. Unless you’re a die-hard Catwoman fan, it’s best to skip this one.