The Theatre Bizarre is a 2011 American horror anthology film. The six segments are directed by Douglas Buck, Buddy Giovinazzo, David Gregory, Karim Hussain, Tom Savini and Richard Stanley. The wraparound segments featuring Udo Kier were directed by Jeremy Kasten.
- Udo Kier as Peg Poett
- Virginia Newcomb as Enola Penny
- Kaniehtiio Horn as The Writer (segment “Vision Stains”)
- Victoria Maurette as Karina (segment “The Mother of Toads”)
- Shane Woodward as Martin (segment “The Mother of Toads”)
- André Hennicke as Axel (segment “I Love You”)
- Suzan Anbeh as Mo (segment “I Love You”)
- James Gill as Donnie (segment “Wet Dreams”)
- Tom Savini as Dr. Maurey (segment “Wet Dreams”)
- Debbie Rochon as Carla (segment “Wet Dreams”)
- Lena Kleine as The Mother (segment “The Accident”)
- Mélodie Simard as The Daughter (segment “The Accident”)
- Lindsay Goranson as Estelle (segment “Sweets”)
- Guilford Adams as Greg (segment “Sweets”)
- Jeff Dylan Graham as Buzz (segment “Sweets”)
- Lynn Lowry as Mikela Da Vinci (segment “Sweets”)