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Keif, Black

  • Price 100 gp; Weight -;
  • Type ingested or inhaled; Addiction minor; Save Fortitude DC 22
  • Effect (1 hour)
  • Damage 1d4 Constitution damage

User gains +1d4 alchemical bonus to Strength and Constitution, –2 penalty on saves against illusions and mind-affecting effects. Anytime the user could attempt a Strength check as a standard action or quicker, she can elect to attempt the check as a full-round action, adding a +2 alchemical bonus to the check. Doing so deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage to the user as she strains herself. If the user takes lethal damage from any source while under the effects of black keif, she must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or become confused for 1d4 rounds.


(30 brimstone + 6 keif + 20 urea)/sublimation; Skill Craft (alchemy) DC 22; Time 1 day; Tools retort; Type drug

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Alchemy Manual © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, and David N. Ross.

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