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clear, kitchen, single, Honeydust

The use of this mild, dizzying powder has spread throughout much of the world.

Once taken, this sparkling, honeydew-colored inhalant gives the user a euphoric sensation that can quickly become overwhelming and even sickening. While the long-term effects are relatively minor, few except the hardy care to risk stomaching this toxin.

Type inhaled; Addiction minor, Fortitude DC 13 Price 20 gp Effect 1 hour; +1d2 alchemical bonus to Charisma, 2 penalty on saves against illusions Effect after 1 hour; 75% chance to become sickened for 1d4 hours Damage 1d2 Wisdom damage.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Bastards of Golarion © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Judy Bauer, Neal Litherland, Ryan Macklin, and David N. Ross.

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