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Misogynistic Rage (CR 3)

Misogynistic Rage
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[This content was created by Paizo Publishing LLC but not for the Pathfinder rules system.]

From Pathfinder SRD
Originally posted on this page
Source Pathfinder #2.

Misogynistic  Rage (CR 3)
Type wrathful  

Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear the sound of a woman’s shrill voice  saying, “What do you get up to down in the damp below?”; hp 6 Trigger proximity; Reset automatic (24 hours)
The haunted character  must make a DC 14 Will save or be compelled to attack the closest female, using all of his capabilities in an attempt to kill the target -this  haunting continues beyond the surprise round for 1d4 rounds. If no suitable  target is within sight he instead attacks himself, leaping out the window  if no weapon is handy.

Section 15: Copyright Notice – Pathfinder 2: The Skinsaw Murders
Pathfinder 2: The Skinsaw Murders. Copyright 2007, Paizo Publishing LLC. Author: Richard Pett.

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