Fools Flare
Many spirits resent the intrusion of lights brought by the living into their dark domains, and exert a supernatural influence on torches and lanterns to show their objections to the trespass of torchbearers.

From Pathfinder SRD
Originally posted on this page
Source: Paizo Blog
Fools Flare (CR 2) |
XP 600 CE haunt (10-ft. radius) Caster Level 2nd Notice Perception DC 15 (to feel a cold, unearthly draft) hp 4; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day |
The haunt (Fools Flare) triggers a pyrotechnics spell on torches or lanterns brought into its area. In some instances, torches flare brightly with a blinding light before plunging the area into darkness, as per the fireworks effect, but in others the light sputters and dies, the extinguished source giving off a smoke cloud effect (save DC 13 versus secondary effects). |
A daylight spell cast in the area permanently drives out the haunt. |
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Game Mastery Guide