Dance of Ruin (CR 3)

Originally posted on this page Source Pathfinder #2.
Dance of Ruin (CR 3) |
Type vengeful Notice Perception DC 15; hp 6 Trigger touch; Reset automatic (24 hours) |
The haunted character is caught up in a whirling dance and spins wildly through the room for 1d6 rounds, taking 1 point of Strength damage each round (a DC 15 Will save ends the dance early); once the dance ends, the character becomes fatigued. If the character can be successfully grappled and pinned, she shrieks in rage as the haunt ends prematurely; her shriek causes 1d2 points of Wisdom damage to all in the room (DC 15 Will save negates). |
Section 15: Copyright Notice –
Pathfinder 2: The Skinsaw Murders. Copyright 2007, Paizo Publishing LLC. Author: Richard Pett.