Conflagration Haunt (CR 12)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #48.
Conflagration Haunt (CR 12) |
XP 19,200 LE persistent haunt Caster Level 12th Notice Perception DC 27 (to smell burning flesh) hp 54; Weaknesses susceptible to cold damage; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day |
When intruders enter these scorched foundations, the spirits of incinerated monks erupt in unholy flames and black smoke, damaging occupants as an incendiary cloud spell (save DC 22). |
Ten handfuls of the monks’ cremated ashes must be recovered and cast into a cold mountain lake. |
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of GallowspireLE: Shadows of Gallowspire. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Brandon Hodge.