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Vinland: The Untamed Frontier

A Norse-Inspired RPG Setting


The Raven Banner 1

Vinland lies across the western ocean, beyond the known lands of Greenland and Iceland. It encompasses vast coastlines, dense primeval forests, rolling hills, and towering fjords, with major rivers such as the Jörmungandr Flow and the Serpent’s Vein cutting through the wilderness. The land is divided into three primary regions:

  • Helluland (Land of Flat Stones): A cold, barren region of rocky plateaus, icy fjords, and treacherous cliffs, home to hardy hunters and exiled warriors.
  • Markland (Land of Forests): A bountiful land of endless pine and birch forests, teeming with game and lumber but haunted by spirits and beasts of legend.
  • Vinland Proper: The heartland of Norse settlements, where fertile valleys and grape-laden hills provide the means for prosperity, but conflicts with the native Skrælings (indigenous peoples) are ever-present.

Other Names

  • New Midgard – Used by settlers who see Vinland as a fresh start, a land for forging a new Norse dominion.
  • The Far Shore – A mystical name among seafarers who believe Vinland is at the edge of the world.
  • The Twilight Land – Among the more spiritual Norse, Vinland is thought to exist between the realms of gods and men.



Vinland is a realm of untamed beauty and danger—where lush green meadows, crystal-clear lakes, and abundant wildlife contrast against the fierce winters, unpredictable storms, and mystical threats lurking in the wilderness. The summers are warm and bountiful, but the winters, while milder than those of Greenland, can still be unforgiving. Legends tell of no snow falling in Vinland’s winters, but this is a half-truth, as inland settlements experience harsh, biting winds from the mountains.

Real-World Inspirations

Vinland draws heavily from Norse sagas, particularly the Saga of Erik the Red and the Saga of the Greenlanders, blending real Viking exploration with mythological elements. It is also inspired by the indigenous cultures of North America, particularly the Mi’kmaq, Beothuk, and Inuit peoples, whose influence shapes the native factions of the setting.

Heraldry and Symbols

  • The Raven Banner – A black banner with a white raven, symbolizing Odin’s wisdom and the guiding spirits of those who explore Vinland.
  • The Stag of Vinland – A golden stag on a green field, representing the fertility and wild majesty of the land.
  • The Blood-Oath Mark – A red handprint painted on shields and banners, symbolizing sworn brotherhood and vengeance against enemies.

National Motto and Ideals

“Honor the Land, Fear No Fate.”
This motto reflects the Viking values of courage, self-reliance, and respect for the unknown forces that govern Vinland. Settlers believe in facing challenges head-on, carving their own destinies, and respecting the spirits and native peoples—or facing dire consequences.

Moral and Philosophical Outlook

Vinlanders hold a pragmatic and honor-bound worldview, believing in self-sufficiency, kinship, and the repayment of debts (both good and bad). Law and justice are often handled through thing (councils) where disputes are settled through oaths, duels, or compensation. Cowardice and dishonor are the greatest sins, while valor and wisdom are the highest virtues.

Spiritual and Religious Landscape

The people of Vinland follow a blend of Norse paganism and local spiritual practices. The land is rich with hidden gods, nature spirits, and ancient forces. Some settlers still worship the Æsir and Vanir, while others have begun adapting their beliefs to the new world. Major deities and spirits include:

  • Odin, Thor, and Freyja – The familiar gods of the Norse, still honored but distant in this new land.
  • The Landvaettir (Land Spirits) – Powerful nature spirits, often seen as guardians or omens.
  • The Whispering Ones – Unknown deities of Vinland, ancient and indifferent to men, lurking deep in the forests.
  • The Wyrm of the North – A feared serpent deity, said to slumber beneath the mountains of Helluland.


Vinland lacks a central authority, instead being ruled by independent jarls, warlords, and clan leaders. The Althing, a great council, gathers annually to settle disputes, forge alliances, and declare war. Some settlements operate under a theocratic rule, where seers and rune-priests hold power.


  • Hirdmen (Sworn Warriors): The elite fighters of each settlement, trained in shield-wall tactics and raiding.
  • Berserkers: Warriors who channel animalistic fury, often seen as both terrifying and sacred.
  • Ulfhednar (Wolfskins): Scouts and skirmishers who move unseen through the forests, striking swiftly before vanishing.
  • Seaborne Raiders: Those who maintain longships, launching lightning-fast attacks against enemy outposts.
  • Skræling Warbands: Indigenous warriors who know the land better than any Norseman, using hit-and-run tactics and spiritual magic.


Vinland’s economy is a mix of self-sufficiency, trade, and raiding. Major goods include:

  • Lumber and furs from Markland’s forests
  • Fish and whale oil from the coastal settlements
  • Iron and silver from hidden mines in Helluland
  • Grapes and mead from Vinland Proper
    Trade exists between Norse settlers and indigenous peoples, but relations are fragile, and conflicts over resources are common.

Technology Level

Vinland exists at an early medieval Norse technological level, with Viking longships, iron weapons, and rudimentary fortifications. However, settlers must adapt to the new land, integrating native techniques such as hide armor, snowshoes, and canoes. Some mystics experiment with rune magic, while others seek forbidden knowledge from Vinland’s hidden gods.

Present-Day Threats and Challenges

  • Escalating Conflicts – Tensions between Norse settlers and the indigenous Skrælings have erupted into open skirmishes, with both sides suffering losses.
  • Winter Famine – Harsh winters threaten food supplies, leading to internal strife and desperation-driven raids.
  • The Draugr Curse – Restless dead from lost expeditions rise under the northern lights, seeking revenge on the living.
  • Rivalry Among Jarls – Power struggles between competing Norse leaders threaten the fragile unity of Vinland’s colonies.
  • The Whispering Woods – A cursed forest where those who enter are rarely seen again, plagued by illusions and madness.

Population and Society Composition

  • Norse Settlers (60%) – Warriors, traders, and mystics trying to forge a new life in the west.
  • Skrælings (Indigenous Peoples) (30%) – Skilled hunters and warriors deeply connected to the land and its spirits.
  • Thralls (5%) – Captured individuals or criminals forced into labor.
  • Exiled Norse Clans (5%) – Rogue warriors and outcasts living on the fringes of society.

The Structure of Authority

Vinland operates under a loosely organized tribal hierarchy where power is divided among the Jarls (regional leaders) who govern their settlements. Disputes are settled at the Althing, a great council where chieftains and elders gather to determine laws, resolve conflicts, and declare war or peace.

The Decision-Makers

  • The Althing – The primary governing body made up of chieftains, priests, and respected warriors.
  • Jarl Hrolf Iron-Hand – A powerful Norse leader seeking to unite all settlements under one banner.
  • Chief Einar White-Wolf – A Skræling ally to some Norse, but a sworn enemy to others.
  • Seeress Ylva the Wise – A mystical oracle whose visions influence major decisions.

Monarch or Ruling Power

Vinland has no singular king, but some settlers whisper of a High King rising—a figure who will either bring unity or domination. For now, the Jarls rule their own domains.

Famous Figures and Influencers

  • Leif Erikson – The legendary Norse explorer who first set foot in Vinland. His legacy still shapes settlers’ ambitions.
  • Björg the Bloodied – A ruthless warlord leading a faction of raiders.
  • Sigrid the Silver-Tongued – A diplomat and merchant seeking peaceful trade with native tribes.
  • Toke Raven-Eye – A hunter who claims to have seen the gods walking in Vinland.

Noteworthy Locations and Landmarks

  • The Long Halls of Straumfjord – The largest settlement, home to the Althing.
  • Helm’s Hollow – A treacherous valley where lost souls are said to wander.
  • The Stone Teeth – A jagged mountain range said to be the resting place of a sleeping giant.
  • The Fireveil Gorge – A volcanic chasm that spews smoke and flame, believed to be a gate to Helheim.

Power, Influence, and Reach

Vinland is still in its infancy, with settlements scattered along the coast and deep forests. Trade with Greenland and Iceland is fragile but growing, while raids on Skræling villages and rival Norse factions threaten expansion.

Alliances, Foes, and Diplomacy

  • Greenland and Iceland – Trade partners but hesitant to fully support Vinland’s expansion.
  • Skræling Tribes – Some willing to ally, others sworn to drive the Norse from their lands.
  • Outcast Norse Clans – Exiles and rogue warbands raiding both settlers and natives alike.


  • Norse Settlers – A mix of warriors, traders, and mystics trying to forge a new life in the west.
  • Skrælings (Indigenous Peoples) – Skilled hunters and warriors deeply connected to the land and its spirits.
  • Jötnar Remnants – Ice and stone giants lingering in the deep wilderness.
  • Draugr – Undead Vikings cursed to wander the land for eternity.
  • Fjördwyrms – Serpentine sea creatures lurking beneath Vinland’s icy waters.

Conditions, Temperature, and Terrain

Vinland experiences mild summers and harsh winters. Coastal areas are fertile with moderate temperatures, while inland regions see freezing winters and dense snowfall. Mountains, thick forests, and treacherous rivers make exploration dangerous.

Weather Hazards

  • Blizzards – Sudden and deadly winter storms.
  • Flooding – Heavy rains cause rivers to swell, washing away settlements.
  • Sea Storms – Violent tempests that threaten ships along the coast.

Notable Features

  • The Northern Lights – A mystical phenomenon said to be a bridge to the gods.
  • The Whispering Woods – A haunted forest where travelers vanish without a trace.
  • The Frozen Caverns of Helluland – Ice caves where ancient secrets are buried.

Common Languages

  • Old Norse – The dominant language of settlers.
  • Skræling Tongue – A collection of indigenous dialects, some of which settlers have learned.
  • Runic Script – Used for religious inscriptions and magical carvings.

Cultural Events or Festivals

  • The Althing Moot – An annual gathering of leaders to settle disputes and make new laws.
  • The Feast of the First Frost – A winter festival honoring ancestors and spirits.
  • The Raven Hunt – A springtime ritual where young warriors prove their skill in hunting.

Local Laws or Customs

  • Blood Feuds – Disputes between families can last generations unless settled by the Althing.
  • Guest-Rights – Hospitality is sacred; betraying a guest or host is a grave offense.
  • Oath-Binding – Sworn oaths are taken seriously, and breaking one is a dishonorable act that can lead to exile or death.
Vinland 1

Sample Encounter Tables

  • Vinland Wilderness
  • Vinland’s frontier settlements
Vinland Wilderness Encounter Tables

These d12 encounter tables are designed for adventures set in the harsh and untamed wilderness of Vinland. Each table corresponds to different levels of adventurers: Low (1-5), Mid (6-10), and High (11-15).

Low-Level (Levels 1–5) Encounters

1Wandering Alp: A small nightmare spirit prowls near the party’s campsite, causing unsettling dreams and a chill in the air.
2Attorcroppe Duo: Two elusive, shadowy creatures skulk among the trees, watching silently for an opportunity to mislead or scare intruders.
3Barrow Wight Remains: At a forgotten burial mound, a lowly Barrow Wight stirs among skeletal remains, seeking to reclaim its lost honor.
4Foraging Bear: A solitary black or brown bear is busy foraging near a berry patch; it may become aggressive if startled.
5Wild Boar Herd: A small group of wild boar root through the underbrush, their grunts echoing in the crisp air.
6Skræling Scout: A lone indigenous hunter quietly observes the party from a distance—perhaps a prelude to a peaceful greeting or a warning to keep away.
7Runestone Guardian: The party discovers an ancient, rune-carved standing stone that faintly glows; a friendly Celestial Badger scurries near it, as if guarding its secrets.
8Celestial Watcher: Overhead, a majestic Celestial Eagle soars, its piercing cry seeming to bless or warn the travelers.
9Mysterious Longhouse Ruins: The crumbling remains of a Norse longhouse yield eerie silence and scattered relics—whispers of past battles hint at a Draugr’s subtle presence later that night.
10Pukwudgie Trickster: A small, impish Pukwudgie darts from shadow to shadow, offering riddles or pranks that may either aid or confound the party.
11Celestial Owl: In the twilight, a Celestial Owl perches high in a gnarled tree, its luminous eyes a quiet omen of guidance or forewarning.
12Bergeist’s Dirge: A forlorn Bergeist drifts among the low mists near an ancient stone circle, its mournful cry stirring old memories and uneasy feelings.

Mid-Level (Levels 6–10) Encounters

1Stone Giant Sentinel: An A-senee-ki-wakw (Stone Giant) looms on a ridge, its granite visage silently judging all who trespass.
2Dire Wolf Pack: A pack of dire wolves stalks the forest; their unnatural eyes glow in the gloom as they coordinate their hunt.
3Skræling War Party: A band of fiercely determined Skræling warriors ambushes the party along a rugged trail, their primitive weapons and spiritual totems hinting at deeper mysteries.
4Draugr Berserker Horde: From a desecrated burial mound, a horde of Draugr—undead Norse warriors—rise, driven by an ancient curse and hunger for vengeance.
5Erlking’s Lament: A spectral figure—the Erlking—appears amid a grove of twisted trees, his haunting melody compelling some to lose their way (Wisdom saves required).
6Dire Boar Charge: A ferocious pack of dire boars bursts from the undergrowth, their tusks glistening with the promise of carnage.
7Doppelganger Ambush: Two cunning Doppelgangers disguise themselves as friendly travelers, only to reveal their true, treacherous nature once the party is vulnerable.
8Barrow Wight Reanimation: In a fog-shrouded clearing, a more potent Barrow Wight rises again—its cursed presence thickening the air with cold dread.
9Fiendish Dire Bat Swarm: A sudden, shrieking swarm of Fiendish Dire Bats descends from jagged cliffs, blinding and disorienting the party.
10Duergar Outcast: A grim Duergar ambushes a narrow mountain pass, his axe glinting as he challenges the party for control of his territory.
11Witch-Tree’s Curse: Deep in the forest, a towering Witch Tree—its bark etched with Norse runes—awakens, hurling enchanted thorns and cursing those who approach its roots.
12Sisiutl’s Guardian: Near a misty lake, the twin-headed serpent Sisiutl (coils protectively, testing the party’s resolve before permitting passage.

High-Level (Levels 11–15) Encounters

1Frost Giant Jarl: A towering, ancient Frost Giant Jarl strides into view, his voice rumbling like distant thunder as he challenges the party’s worthiness.
2Draugr King’s Onslaught: A formidable Draugr King, adorned with ancient runes and wielding a cursed axe, emerges to lead a spectral army in a devastating assault.
3Greater Wendigo: An immense, emaciated Wendigo roams the frozen wastes, its unholy hunger and chilling aura testing the fortitude of even the hardiest adventurers.
4Fafnir Unleashed: The dreaded dragon Fafnir awakens from centuries of slumber, his scales shimmering with cursed magic as he unleashes fiery wrath.
5Rift Drake Emergence: A Rift Drake tears through a dimensional rift, its draconic roar and swirling energies threatening to shatter reality around the party.
6Elemental Ice Convergence: A violent storm of elemental forces—fire, ice, and earth—collides unexpectedly, as an ancient Elemental Ice Titan (using “Elemental Ice, Huge” ideas) emerges to reshape the land.
7Underground Troll Ambush: A colossal Mountain Troll ambushes the party on a narrow pass, its regenerative fury fueled by ancient magics.
8Celestial Eagle Giant: With a deafening cry, a colossal Celestial Eagle swoops down from stormy skies, its talons and divine glare exacting judgment.
9Underwater Panther’s Fury: From the frozen fjords, an enraged Underwater Panther breaches the surface, its eyes ablaze with supernatural vengeance.
10Norn, Fate Weaver: A mysterious Norn (a fate-weaving entity) appears in a glacial clearing, her cryptic prophecies and ominous warnings reshaping destiny itself.
11Grendel’s Mother Awakens: An ancient horror, Grendel’s Mother, emerges from the mists—a vengeful force older than Vinland itself.
12Ragnarök’s Harbinger: As a blood-red comet tears across the storm-darkened sky, spectral Black-Eyed Children and a host of other omens appear, signaling that the end times may be nigh.

Below are three D12 encounter tables set in Vinland’s frontier settlements. These tables mix Norse and indigenous North American themes with both mundane and supernatural twists. Use them to introduce dynamic events, social conflicts, and mystical omens within towns, villages, or isolated frontier holds.

Low-Level Settlement Encounters (Levels 1–5)

These encounters focus on everyday life in a budding Vinland settlement—with hints of mystery and minor supernatural events.

1Market Mayhem: A heated brawl breaks out in the settlement’s central square as locals dispute over stolen goods, drawing the attention of the Jarl’s guards.
2Ghostly Whispers: Near a weathered runestone outside the longhouse, a faint apparition of a fallen warrior murmurs warnings of danger—only heard by those who listen closely.
3Friendly Skræling Visitor: A lone indigenous trader arrives offering exotic furs and small trinkets—and warns of recent disturbances in the nearby wilds.
4Child’s Tale: A local child, face painted with traditional symbols, recounts eerie legends of wandering spirits and cursed relics, sparking curiosity and mild unease.
5Herbalist’s Request: The settlement’s healer pleads for assistance gathering rare, enchanted herbs from a nearby grove, promising a modest reward.
6Drunken Mead Hall Ruckus: A rowdy brawl erupts in the mead hall as a group of settlers become inebriated, leading to minor injuries and a call for calm by the elders.
7Mysterious Rune-Artifact: A curious rune-carved talisman is discovered in a humble dwelling—its faint glow hints at long-forgotten magic.
8Wandering Animal: A stray wolf pup or a half-wild dog roams the settlement streets; its friendly nature contrasts with its sudden, inexplicable disappearance later.
9Sudden Downpour: A localized flood disrupts daily activities. Residents scramble to protect their homes as the sudden rain brings more than just water—it stirs old memories.
10Traveling Minstrel: A charismatic bard regales the settlement with epic sagas and prophecies, his performance hinting at greater omens on the horizon.
11Thrall Protest: A small group of thralls, emboldened by recent events, protest for better treatment—raising tensions but also prompting cautious negotiations.
12Elder’s Prophecy: An aged storyteller gathers a small crowd to recount Vinland’s haunted past and foretells a minor curse upon those who ignore the old ways.

Mid-Level Settlement Encounters (Levels 6–10)

These encounters introduce political intrigue, supernatural disturbances, and escalating conflicts within the settlement walls.

1Althing Dispute: During a gathering at the settlement’s central hall, Jarls and elders fiercely debate trade routes and alliances with nearby Skræling tribes—tensions run high.
2Raider Ambush: A small band of outcast Norse raiders launches a surprise attack on a trade caravan passing through the settlement, sparking a skirmish in the streets.
3Rising Draugr: The graveyard near the settlement stirs as a Draugr rises from an ancient burial mound, its chilling presence foreshadowing darker nights to come.
4Seer’s Warning: Seeress Ylva or another local mystic appears amid a public assembly, delivering a dire prophecy about an imminent calamity affecting all in Vinland.
5Exile’s Challenge: An embittered, exiled Norse warrior confronts the local Jarl in the marketplace, demanding that the settlement re-examine its loyalties—and threatening a duel.
6Cursed Relic: In the ruins of an abandoned longhouse, a cursed artifact is uncovered. Its dark aura begins to manifest minor supernatural phenomena that unsettle the inhabitants.
7Skræling Diplomat: A respected Skræling elder arrives with emissaries, seeking an alliance. However, internal strife among his people turns the meeting tense and unpredictable.
8Thrall Uprising: A faction of thralls, emboldened by rumors of liberation, stages a protest that escalates into open confrontation with local guards.
9Family Feud: A violent dispute between rival families over ancestral lands erupts in the central square, drawing in bystanders and threatening to spill into bloodshed.
10Storm of Magic: A local seiðkona conjures a minor, localized storm as a warning to those who would defy ancient laws—its sudden burst of elemental power shocks onlookers.
11Celestial Omen: A flock of celestial eagles or a single majestic Celestial Eagle is seen circling overhead, interpreted by many as a divine sign of judgment or favor.
12Secret Benefactor: Mysterious gifts—enchanted trinkets or potions—are left at doorsteps overnight. While some see this as hope, others suspect hidden motives at play.

High-Level Settlement Encounters (Levels 11–15)

These encounters are epic in scale—where divine omens, ancient curses, and legendary figures converge to challenge the very fate of the settlement.

1Spectral Feast: During a grand feast at the Althing, a ghostly apparition of an ancient Norse king appears, delivering a prophecy that portends either salvation or ruin.
2Undead Onslaught: In the dead of night, the settlement is besieged by a horde of Draugr and other undead warriors, forcing residents to rally in desperate defense.
3Frost Giant’s Demand: A towering Frost Giant Jarl, accompanied by remnants of Jötunheim’s might, marches into the settlement and demands tribute in exchange for peace.
4Dimensional Rift: A portal to Jötunheim or a chaotic elemental realm opens in the central square, unleashing wild elemental forces and monstrous creatures upon the populace.
5Divine Visitation: A powerful seer or even an emissary of Odin appears, declaring that the gods are displeased. Ominous natural phenomena—unearthly eclipses, thunderous voices—shake the community.
6Vengeful Wendigo: Under the cloak of darkness, a vengeful Wendigo infiltrates the settlement, preying on the weak and leaving a trail of terror and bloodshed.
7Skræling Ultimatum: A high-ranking Skræling chief arrives with an armed retinue, challenging the settlement’s leadership and threatening war if a fragile peace is not honored.
8Runestone Shattered: The settlement’s protective runestone suddenly glows with eerie light before shattering—releasing an ancient curse that blights the land and weakens its people.
9Resurrection of the Einherjar: Elite Norse warriors, resurrected as Einherjar by divine will, appear in the settlement to test its defenders, promising glory or doom.
10Mighty Longship’s Arrival: A colossal, enchanted longship docks unexpectedly, carrying an emissary with a message from distant, powerful realms—perhaps even from Odin himself.
11Celestial Omen: A blood-red comet streaks across a storm-darkened sky, accompanied by a chorus of supernatural ravens and Black-Eyed Children—portents of Ragnarök.
12Fate’s Unraveling: In a moment of surreal terror, a Norn appears in the central square, weaving or severing destinies before the eyes of a horrified and awestruck populace.

Final Thoughts

Vinland is a land of opportunity and danger, where myth and reality blur, and every decision can shape the fate of a growing civilization. Will you build a thriving settlement, raid your enemies for riches, or uncover the dark secrets lurking beneath Vinland’s soil?

The saga is yours to write.

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