Tanglefoot Bomb
“Unleash Chaos with the Tanglefoot Bomb: Exploding Tanglefoot Bag Brings Mayhem, Glue, and Fire in a 30-Foot Blast Radius!”

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
A tanglefoot bomb is essentially an enormous tanglefoot bag, though it still has the thunderstone and alchemist’s fire core. When it strikes the ground, it explodes in a huge spray of tanglefoot glue. All creatures within ten feet of the detonation are automatically struck by the goo. Creatures between ten and 30 feet from the point of detonation are allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) to avoid the glue. The tanglefoot bomb still deals normal bomb damage of 2d6 from the fire and flying fragments of wood.
Tanglefoot Bomb: 500 gp; 60 lb.