Feat Subordinate (General)

You have gained the services of a loyal companion who may accompany you on adventures or be sent to complete missions for you.
The Quintessential Aristocrat
Author Martin R. Thomas
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2004
- Prerequisites: Character Level 3 or higher
- Benefits: You attract a cohort only (no followers) similar to the Leadership feat. See the table below for the level of subordinate your character can lead.
- Subordinate Score and Modifiers: Your Subordinate Score equals your Level + Reputation (as per system reference document) + Charisma Modifier. The other modifiers noted for cohorts under the details of the Leadership feat also apply to the Subordinate feat (having a familiar, special mount or cohort, recruiting a cohort of a different alignment, or causing the death of a previous cohort). If you follow the rules for Status then you also add your status score to your Subordinate score.
- Subordinate Level: You can attract a subordinate of up to this level. Regardless of your Subordinate score, you can only recruit a subordinate who is two or more levels lower than you are.
In all other ways except as noted, a subordinate is the same as a cohort as detailed under the Leadership feat, including the earning of experience points and the gaining of levels.
Subordinate Score | Subordinate Level |
1 | or less |
2 | 1st |
3 | 1st |
4 | 2nd |
5 | 2nd |
6 | 3rd |
7 | 3rd |
8 | 4th |
9 | 5th |
10 | 5th |
11 | 6th |
12 | 7th |
13 | 7th |
14 | 8th |
15 | 9th |
16 | 9th |
17 | 10th |
18 | 11th |
19 | 11th |
20 | 12th |
21 | 13th |
22 | 13th |
23 | 14th |
24 | 15th |
25+ | 15th |