Lucky Charm (Special)
A personal item becomes a magical totem of good fortune.

Originally Posted by Shadowfoot of the Wizards Community forums.
- Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Hero’s Luck or Luck of Heroes feat and Luck Domain granted power or similar ability.
- Benefit: Select any nonmagical personal item of personal significance -a coin won in a bet, your mother’s ring, a Dagger from a great war – or any common totem of luck, such a rabbit’s foot, horseshoe, or a four-leaf clover. The item must be no larger than Small and have been in your possession for at least 30 days before being becoming your lucky charm. Designating an item as your lucky charm is a spell-like ability that drains you of 300 experience points and that has no effect on the item itself. You may have only one designated lucky charm at a time.
While the lucky charm is held or in your possession, you receive a +1 luck bonus to AC, saving throws, rerolls prompted by the Luck Domain or similar ability, and opposed skill checks; these bonuses stack with other luck bonuses but not with each other. In addition, you can use your Luck Domain granted power or similar ability one additional time per day.
The lucky charm itself is still nonmagical; its presence and significance are what trigger magic luck in you. If the lucky charm is dropped, lost, or stolen, your luck bonuses immediately end, even if you’re unaware of the loss. A lucky charm can be replaced after waiting 13 days, costing an additional 300 experience points.
Even though not actually a magic item, a lucky charm must be held or assigned to a magic item space to trigger the luck bonuses. It takes up either an amulet space (if worn on a chain around the neck, for example), a belt magic item space (carried in a belt pouch), or a magic item space appropriate to the object (ring, hat, etc.); if the item cannot accommodate a magic item space, it must be held.