Horse Lord (General, Barbarian)

Your spirit yearns for the freedom of the open plains and you are more at home astride the back of a stallion than you are on your feet.
Quintessential Barbarian II
Author Patrick Younts
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2004
- Prerequisites: Animal Soul
- Benefits: You gain a light or heavy warhorse as an animal companion, exactly as the ranger class ability of the same name. This companion increases in Strength in the same fashion as a ranger‘ companion animal. Existing class levels gained before this feat is selected are halved for the purposes of determining the power of the animal companion; this halving is on top of the normal halving of levels to determine the power of the animal companion, meaning a barbarian who selected this feat at 12th level would only be considered 3rd level for the purposes of determining the power of his animal ally.
In addition, you gain the ability to improve the attitude of horses that are of the same type as your companion animal (light or heavy war). This ability functions as the ranger‘s wild empathy class ability, save that you add only ½ your barbarian levels to the check. If you have levels in the ranger class, then you add those levels on a one for one basis to your barbarian levels.
- Special: If you select this feat, you cannot also select Falcon Friend, Pack Master or Whale Rider.