Extra Familiar (General)

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Full netbook can be found on the followng website
Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.
COPYRIGHT 2001, Paul W. King
Prerequisites: 4 ranks of Knowledge (Arcana). Already permitted to have a familiar
Benefit: The character can obtain more than one familiar.
Normal: Characters are typically only allowed to have one familiar
Special: For each successive familiar that a character binds, there is an XP and gp cost involved. The second familiar bound would cost 100 XP and 200 gp; the third, an additional 200 XP and 300 gp; the fourth, an additional 300 XP and 400 gp; etc.
Notes: This feat can be taken more than once; however, if each successive time increases the prerequisite rank in Knowledge (Arcana) by 2. However, if a character loses more than 1 familiar within the same year-and-a-day, their penalties increase. Under normal circumstances, if a character loses a familiar, they need to make a Fort save against a DC of 15. If they fail, they lose 200 XP/caster level. However, each additional familiar lost increases the DC by 2 and the XP lost by 100/ caster level. For example, a character loses 3 familiars within the same year-and-a-day. The first one is a save vs. 15, and if it fails, 200 XP/caster level. The second is a save vs. 17, and if it fails, 300 XP/caster level. The third one is a save vs. 19, and if it fails, 400 XP/caster level. The character will have to wait a year-and-a-day from the death/ dismissal of each familiar before they can replace him or her.