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Feat Expert Swimmer (General)

By Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton - Art Renewal Center, Public Domain,, Feat Expert Swimmer
By Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton – Art Renewal Center, Public Domain,

You swim like a fish. You can stay underwater far longer than others of your race, and you are at home in the water.

(Stormwrack, p. 92)

Originally posted on D&Dtools

  • Prerequisite Endurance, Swim 4 ranks,
  • Benefit You can hold your breath for 3 rounds per point of Constitution. You gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to continue holding your breath. On a successful Swim check, you swim your land speed (as a full-round action) or half your land speed (as a move action). Your natural swim speed increases by 10 feet, if you have a Swim speed.
  • Normal You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to twice your Constitution before you are at risk of drowning. On a successful Swim check, you swim half your land speed as a full-round action, or one-quarter your land speed as a move action.
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