Combat Precision (Fighter) (General)
You deliver fewer but more carefully aimed attacks.
Originally Posted by Shadowfoot of the Wizards Community forums.
- Prerequisites: Intelligence 13, BAB +6.
- Benefit: On your turn as a full attack action, you may choose to sacrifice iterative attacks to increase the accuracy of your weapon attacks. You must designate your intention to use Combat Precision before making your attacks. For every iterative attack you sacrifice that round, all of your melee and ranged melee attacks receive a +2 bonus to attack rolls. You always sacrifice your lowest iterative attack first. For example, an 11th fighter with a BAB of +11/+6/+1 can sacrifice his +1 iterative attack to gain a +2 bonus to his attack rolls with his remaining two attacks, or sacrifice both his +6 and +1 iterative attacks to gain a +4 bonus with his remaining attack.