Astromancy (General, Magical)

Spells increase or decrease in power based on certain celestial events.
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Prerequisite: Knowledge Astrology: 5 Ranks, Spellcaster
Benefit: Depending on the frequency of the celestial event, the witch’s powers increase. However, this ability has a downside; for the opposite incursion, the caster may suffer a penalty.
Event | Effect |
Event happens daily (sun up, sun down) | +1 to DC of saving throws |
Event occurs monthly (full moon, new moon) | +2 to DC of saving throws, +1 to each die modifier. |
Event occurs roughly annually (solar/lunar equinox, lunar eclipse) | +4 to DC of saving throws, +2 to die modifier, spells cast as quickened (casting times doubled on opposed time) |
Event occurs less than once a year (solar eclipse) | Saving Throw DC +8, cast as quickened, empowered. (casting time doubled, cast as caster level –1d4) |
Event occurs extremely rarely, but lasts for more than a day (comet visible, planet in particular constellation) | AC gains a +2 bonus, Initiative +2, and 1 ability store gains +2 bonus. |
The opposite times (when the caster will be less powerful) are listed below.
Astromancy Frequency Chart | ||
Event | Opposed by | Frequency |
Daytime | Nighttime | Very Common |
Full moon | New Moon | Common |
Equinox or Solstice | Cross Quarter day | Uncommon (4 times per year) |
Lunar Eclipse | Morning After Eclipse | Rare |
Solar Eclipse | Day After Eclipse | Very Rare |
Comet | Week after Comet disappears | Very Rare |
Planet in Constellation | Planet found in opposing Constellation | Extremely Rare |