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Epic Leadership (Epic)

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By Placido Costanzi - Walters Art Museum: Home page  Info about artwork, Public Domain,, Epic Leadership
By Placido Costanzi – Walters Art Museum: Home page  Info about artwork, Public Domain,

You attract more powerful cohorts and followers than normally possible.

  • Prerequisites Charisma 25, Leadership, Leadership score 25.
  • Benefit You attract a cohort and followers as shown on Table: Epic Leadership. In all other ways Epic Leadership functions as the Leadership feat.
  • Normal The Leadership feat provides no benefit for Leadership scores beyond 25.

Example Special Epic Cohorts presents some creatures that make good cohorts for epic characters.

Epic Leadership
Leadership ScoreCohort LevelNumber of Followers by Level
per +1+½*+100**
Leadership Score: Your Leadership score equals your level plus any Charisma modifier. Outside factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, as detailed in the Leadership feat.

Cohort Level: You can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of your Leadership score, you can’t recruit a cohort of your level or higher.

Number of Followers by Level: You can lead up to the indicated number of characters of each level.

*The maximum cohort level increases by 1 for every 2 points of Leadership above 40.

**The number of 1st-level followers increases by 100 for every point of Leadership above 40.

You can command one-tenth as many 2nd-level followers as 1st-level followers. You can command one-half as many 3rd-level followers as 2nd-level followers, one-half as many 4th-level followers as 3rd-level followers, and so on (round fractions up, except any fraction less than 1 rounds to 0). You can’t have a follower of higher than 20th level.

Example Special Epic Cohorts
Creature AlignmentLevel Equivalent
Angel, astral devaAny good 20nd
Dragon, ancient silverLawful good42nd
Couatl Lawful good16th
Giant, cloudNeutral good24th
Ghaele Chaotic good20st
Giant, stormChaotic good28th
Dragon, wyrm brassChaotic good42th
Dragon turtle Neutral 21st
Hydra, 12-headedNeutral 19th
Roc Neutral 23rd
Dragon, ancient green Lawful evil40th
Devil, ice (gelugon)Lawful evil21st
Giant, cloudNeutral evil24th
Demon, glabrezuChaotic evil23rd
Demon, succubus Chaotic evil12th
Dragon, wyrm whiteChaotic evil41th
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