Thundarr the Barbarian is a post-apocalyptic science fantasy animated series set in a future where Earth has been devastated by a catastrophic event, and follows the adventures of the titular character, Thundarr, a warrior accompanied by his companions, Ariel and Ookla.
Thundarr the Barbarian is a classic animated series that first aired in 1980. The show takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where the Earth has been shattered by a catastrophic event, causing the planet to be ruled by sorcerers, mutants, and other dangerous creatures. The series follows the adventures of the eponymous hero, Thundarr, a muscular warrior with a powerful sword, and his companions, Ookla the Mok, a feline humanoid, and Princess Ariel, a psychic princess.
One of the things that sets Thundarr the Barbarian apart from other animated series of its time is its unique and creative post-apocalyptic setting. The world of Thundarr is filled with ancient ruins, advanced technology, and strange creatures that provide a fascinating backdrop for the show’s action-packed adventures. The series is a mix of sword and sorcery, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic elements that make it a standout in the world of fantasy animation.
The characters of Thundarr, Ookla, and Ariel are also a major highlight of the series. Thundarr is a classic hero, strong, brave, and with a sense of justice that makes him stand out as a leader. Ookla is a loyal companion with a fierce fighting style that makes him a valuable ally in battle. Princess Ariel, with her psychic powers, adds an element of magic and mystery to the show that sets it apart from other fantasy series of the time.
Thundarr the Barbarian’s storytelling is also top-notch, with each episode featuring a unique story that keeps the audience engaged and entertained. The action sequences are well-crafted, and the series’ use of creative creatures and advanced technology makes the battles exciting and unpredictable.
Overall, Thundarr the Barbarian is a classic series that has stood the test of time. Its unique post-apocalyptic setting, memorable characters, and engaging storytelling make it a must-watch for fans of fantasy animation. The series is an excellent example of how to blend multiple genres to create something truly unique and memorable. Whether you are a fan of the series or just discovering it for the first time, Thundarr the Barbarian is definitely worth a watch.
Thundarr the Barbarian had a voice cast that included Robert Ridgely as Thundarr, Nellie Bellflower as Princess Ariel, and Henry Corden as Ookla the Mok.