The Scholomance

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Witches speak of Warlocks in tones normally reserved for the foulest of garbage or the worst of the sub-human monsters. But there are some Warlocks that even the bravest of hearts among the Craft of the Wise dare not speak about. These are the Warlocks of the Scholomance. The Scholomance is a legendary school of black magic run by Armaros, located near an unnamed lake in the mountains south of the city of Hermannstadt in Wallachia.
Here powerful devils hold classes to teach the best and the brightest the darkest of the dark arts. Thirteen will enter but only twelve will leave as the most dangerous warlocks to walk the land. What becomes of the thirteenth is a mystery. Some say the unlucky 13th becomes Armaros own personal servant. Others speculate a far worse fate. Warlocks of the Scholomance gain an extra level of casting once completing the school as well access to many dark, evil spells they may never have had access to before. Nevertheless, there is always that 1 in 13 chance that they will be chosen to remain with their new master.
GM’s should refrain from allow players to have access to Scholomance Warlocks, instead keeping them as very powerful adversaries.