Gulliver’s Travels
“Mind-Bending Odyssey: Unravel the Extraordinary Realms of Gulliver’s Travels!”

This book is a translation of the combination journal and travel log left behind by Lemuel Gulliver a love of travel. He is still famous today, at least among bards, and is considered one of the most widely traveled men in history, having visited virtually every nation and city in the known world during his long life.
He made copious notes of every detail of his travels, of the people he met, the dangers he endured, the customs he witnessed and, most especially, of the features of the lands he passed through. Gulliver’s Travels is a long but never tedious read, and his vivid descriptions of things he saw and places he traveled is thought by many to be the finest text available on such subjects as geography and history.
Anyone who studies Gulliver’s Travels may use the information in the book to train his Knowledge (Geography) and Knowledge (history) skills up to ten ranks. The book does not grant the reader any skill points, he must spend his own points on these skills, but the book does effectively take the place of a trainer.
Gulliver’s Travels: 200 gp; 15 lb.