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The Way of the Deep

cave, stalagmites, stalactite, The Way of the Deep

Ultimate Equipment Guide II

Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005

The Way of the Deep is not the work of a single author, but rather is a compilation of the observations of literally dozens of adventurers and sages made over a period of several hundred years, leading many to believe the book was actually compiled by an elf or an extremely long-lived dwarf. The Way of the Deep contains facts, advice, theories and knowledge about the perils and puzzles that often await those who venture into forgotten caverns or long-sealed tombs. Anyone who studies The Way of the Deep may use the information in the book to train his Knowledge (dungeoneering) skill up to six ranks. The book does not grant the reader any skill points, he must spend his own points if he wishes to increase his skill, but it does effectively take the place of a trainer.

The Way of the Deep: 125 gp; 12 lbs.