Receiving Paper

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Receiving paper is simple paper that has been alchemically altered. It looks like normal paper, though there is a slight feeling of stickiness when the paper is touched. The altered properties of receiving paper allow it to pick up an image of any ink it is placed against.
For example, placing a sheet of receiving paper atop a royal proclamation would immediately create a copy of the proclamation on the receiving paper.
The original of whatever is copied remains intact, and it is impossible to tell (without the use of magic) that it was ever copied. The copy made by the receiving paper is a reversed image of the original (meaning that the letters are all backward and the text runs in the opposite direction), and therefore the image from the receiving paper is often recopied by hand, or at least read with a mirror.
As the copy on the receiving paper was made with alchemy, not ink, it is impossible to use a second sheet of receiving paper to ‘un-reverse’ the image. Because of small imperfections in the copy, it is impossible to learn a spell copied onto a piece of receiving paper.
Receiving Paper: 10gp per sheet