Ink, Poisonous

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Mixing poison with ink is a dark tradition with a long history, but once which never saw tremendous success, as the ink would dilute the poison’s efficacy. This problem was solved about a century ago by an alchemist in the employ of the society of assassins known as the Black Noose. Poisonous ink is exactly that, an ink that has been alchemically altered to make it a deadly contact poison. It retains the same colour and consistency one would expect of a quality ink, however, and is all but impossible to discern from perfectly innocuous inks.
Poisonous ink has an initial damage and secondary damage of 2d6 Constitution, each of which can be resisted with a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 18)
Ink, Poisonous (1 oz. phial): 800 gp