Ink, Darkvision
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
This is likely the least popular of the inks Tathiela offers for sale, simply because most of her clients are born without the ability to use it, as is she. The alchemical composition of darkvision ink is such that it is completely invisible, unless the person looking at it happens to have Darkvision. To an individual with Darkvision, the words fairly pop off the page, appearing to blaze in absolute contrast to the paper or other surface upon which they are written. Unlike most inks, it does not matter what colour the paper or other writing surface is, as the words will always stand out in stark contrast.
The alchemical formula for its creation was created by a race of the deep, but whether that race was dwarf, drow or something else entirely no one knows.
Ink, Darkvision (1 oz. phial): 10 gp