Eloquence for the Occasion

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
It is thought that this book began as a little more than a pamphlet, written from one courtier to another, containing information and advice on how to approach and speak to nobility. However, with the passing of the years, more and more information was added to the book. It is clearly the work of multiple authors, as the voice and writing style change dramatically from one chapter to the next. Moreover, it is clear that not all of these authors agreed with everything put forward by the others who had contributed to what eventually became Eloquence for the Occasion. Despite these flaws, however, Eloquence for the Occasion is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to solve his problems with a sharp tongue instead of a sharp sword. It has been expanded dramatically from its suspected beginnings as a primer for how to speak to nobility, and now contains information on how to deal with people from a multitude of cultures and different walks of life, from kings to commoners. Anyone who studies Eloquence for the Occasion may use the information in the book to train his Diplomacy skill up to nine ranks. The book does not grant the reader any skill points, he must spend his own points if he wishes to increase his skill, but it does effectively take the place of a trainer.
Eloquence for the Occasion: 225 gp; 14 lb.