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Thumb Screws

By Vinzenz Katzler - File:Dunkle_Geschichten_aus_Oesterreich_–_224a.jpg, Public Domain,, Thumb Screws
By Vinzenz Katzler – File:Dunkle_Geschichten_aus_Oesterreich_–_224a.jpg, Public Domain,

Book of Vile Darkness 3.5

By Monte Cook

This small wood and metal device slowly crushes the thumb or finger of a victim. It causes a lot of pain, but deals only 1d2 points of damage per use. Each time the thumbscrews tighten, the torturer can make another Intimidate check.

Torture Devices
DeviceCircumstance BonusEscape DCDamageCostWeight
Thumbscrew+31d21 gp1 lb.
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