Prosthetic (arm, hand, foot, leg)

Source Adventurer’s Armory
People who lose hands, arms, legs, or feet in combat sometimes replace them with prosthetics: realistic simulations of their missing limbs. Usually carved of wood and painted to match the wearer’s skin tone, these items have limited functionality, allowing a legless person to walk at half speed, or enabling an armless person to hold a shield in a fixed position, but little more. Clever individuals have been known to create small compartments in their prosthetics, just large enough to hold very small objects. A prosthetic hand or foot can hold an item with negligible weight, while a prosthetic limb can hold up to 1 or 2 pounds.
Source Pirates of the Inner Sea
Peg Leg: A peg leg is a wooden stump with a socket built on one end to fit over an individual’s knee. Pirates who lose legs at sea often wear peg legs. A peg leg reduces your base speed by 5 feet and imposes a -4 penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks. You take half damage from caltrops. Pirates often carve hidden compartments into their peg legs, these compartments can hold small items weighing up to 1 or 2 pounds (or a few swigs of grog). If you have two peg legs, your base speed is reduced to half and you take a -10 penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks. You are immune to damage from caltrops. Peg legs presume that the knee joint is intact. If the knee joint is not intact, use the prosthesis statistics instead.