Troll Bite
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
A rather gruesome creation, the troll bite is nonetheless an extremely useful item, especially for those travelling through barren lands, or someone who is in too great a hurry on his journey to stop for meals. The troll bite is, quite simply, a troll embryo that has been alchemically treated to increase its resistance to acid. The troll bite must be carefully prepared for each individual, taking into account the purchaser’s height, weight, race and gender. Once the troll bite has been prepared, the purchaser swallows it. The alchemically altered bit of troll then resides in the purchaser’s stomach, regenerating at the same rate at which it is dissolved by the stomach acid. This provides the user with a constant source of nutrients, much like a ring of sustenance. However, the troll bite does have significant drawbacks when compared to the magical ring. The user may not consume any other food, or drink anything other than water, as to do so would disrupt the delicate balance between the troll bite and his digestive system. Introducing excess food into the stomach would decrease the demand on the troll bite, allowing its regeneration to overtake the stomach’s consumption. Once that happens, it is only a matter of time before a partially reformed troll bursts from the user’s abdomen. Additionally, the troll bite does not provide a particularly well-balanced diet. Extended use may (at the discretion of the Games Master) result in conditions like scurvy. Most commonly, the troll bite is only used for periods of one month or less, after which the user must induce vomiting to remove the troll bite. It is quite advisable to immediately destroy the troll bite with fire after it is expelled, as it cannot be reused, and left alone it will quickly grow into a troll. Obviously, despite its similarities to a ring of sustenance, the troll bite does nothing to refresh the user’s mind, and he still requires his normally amount of sleep.
Properly preparing a troll bite requires a Knowledge (nature) Skill check with a DC of 20.
Troll Bite: 300gp