The Quintessential paladin
Author Alejandro Melchor
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Also called pennons, these small and commonly triangular pieces of cloth tie near the point of the lance to identify the warrior more specifically than does a banner. As with banners, a pennant lets everybody know where its owner is when it is raised high and tends to get bloodstained when the paladin attacks. Normal pennons give others a +2 bonus to Spot checks when trying to locate the paladin by sight in the midst of battle. Sacred pennons let paladins call upon their faith and self-confidence, allowing them to call for divine help by spending three turn undead attempts, in return they receive a +1 sacred bonus to all saving throws for one round per class level. All pennants are custom-made and will not work for another paladin, let alone a member of another class.