Hairpin of Tools
This item seems to be a relatively simple and attractive ladies’ hairpin.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Most often fashioned of silver, it has a broad, ornate crest and a dozen long teeth to hold it securely in a woman’s hair. However, it is much more than a normal hairpin. Each of the teeth of the hairpin unscrews from the crest to become a fully functional lockpick or thieves’ tool. The crest itself can be opened, and contains a small compartment just large enough to hold a tiny blade, a garrote, needles, a few sheets of paper, or any other small item the owner of the hairpin might wish to conceal. Each of these hairpins is made with a different design, and can be commissioned to be made with other precious materials. The price given assumes it is a simple silver hairpin. As each hairpin of tools is unique, it is impossible to identify one for what it is with a Spot skill check. However, if someone has time to hold and study the hairpin, its unique qualities can be discovered with a successful Search skill check (DC 15).
Hairpin of Tools: 150gp, 1 lb.