Doublet, Masterwork

Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
The masterwork doublet is presented here as an example of men’s fashions available. Common to many cultures, a doublet can be made with literally dozens of different cuts and styles. masterwork doublets are usually crafted of the finest velvet and lined with silk, incorporating semi-precious (or, for a higher price, truly precious) stones as its buttons. Such doublets are easily the equal of anything found in a noble’s outfit purchased at a lesser clothier. Wearing such a doublet grants a character a +2 circumstance bonus to any Diplomacy skill checks made against a member of the noble or wealthy classes, as such people will recognise the character as one of their own. Wearing such a doublet will also grant a character a +2 circumstance bonus to any Intimidate skill checks made against a member of the commoner or labourer classes, as such people will recognise the character as one of their social betters.
The price given is the base price for a masterwork doublet. A customer desiring an even richer garment can certainly have one made, “upgrading” one’s clothing in this way, accenting the base masterwork doublet with slashes of cloth of gold, threads of precious metals and gemstone accents. It is possible for a character to spend as much as he is willing to part with for a truly ornate masterwork doublet.
Doublet, masterwork: 150 gp; 1 lb.