
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
How and when Jahlia came across the secrets of darkglass construction is something she will not reveal, though very few people are even aware of the existence of such a thing, letalone that it is offered for sale at a clothier like For Every Occasion. Darkglass is originally a drow creation, an alchemically-altered glass that is considered indispensable to drow venturing into the sunlit lands, or to any drow intending to use or be near bright light of any kind. It is a somewhat bulky set of goggles of darkened glass set into a leather headset. Any race that suffers sensitivity to bright light (such as the drow) can wear the darkglass visor without fear of suffering any penalties if exposed to such light. However, the glass does limit the range of vision, restricting drow to a 90-foot Darkvision limit.
Jahlia has refined the creation of darkglass somewhat, and is able to offer it in a slightly less bulky form than that of a headset. However, since the darkglass is useless to a drow unless it is made in such as way as to prevent all outside light from reaching his eyes, it cannot be made much lighter. However, Jahlia is able to offer darkglass lenses, which can be made to fit into the eyeholes of a helmet.
- Darkglass Visor: 300 gp; 3 lb.
- Darkglass Lenses: 450 gp; 1 lb.